Am Sconn

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General facts about Sienn Sconn:

-Sienn Sconn can make a watched pot boil.

-Sienn Sconn can turn the most hardcore of lesbians straight.

-Sienn Sconn has to poop so bad.

-Sienn Sconn's backhand, according to Raven, has been known "to slay entire corners worth of prostitutes in a single blow."

-The name of Sconn is so potent some people have taken to replacing the word 'Jesus' with 'Sconn'.

-Sienn Sconn takes Freshman-level classes for the same reason most people travel the world: for the view.

-It is believed in some circles that contact with Sienn Sconn's testicles can result in miraculous acts of healing, especially when placed on one's forehead.

-Every time Sienn Sconn speaks, a random woman, somewhere in the world, has an instantaneous orgasm.

-All porn on the internet that women look at is a derivation of stuff Sienn Sconn has already done.

-Sienn Sconn plays with dolls.