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The Rebel Squadrons Bylaws are the rules that govern the RS at the most basic level. Changes to the Bylaws require the approval of the High Command and the Council of Justice.

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Rebel Squadrons is an online gaming fan club, based on the Star Wars universe, dedicated to being a rewarding and fun experience for its members. The Rebel Squadrons also strives to encourage the growth and development of creativity, responsibility, leadership, and good judgment amongst its members. In accordance with these goals, and the New Republic ideals it is pledged to defend, the Rebel Squadrons subscribes to the combined principles of H.I.E.R. (pronounced "higher"): Honesty, Integrity, Equanimity and Respect.

Membership Participation

Members may participate in as many activities as they like, but shall belong to only one squadron.

Administrative Structure

Organizational Labels

All references in these Bylaws to "squadrons" apply to any unit of equal status with a different name. The Fleet Commander determines a unit's status and name.

Chain of Command

The Chain of Command (CoC) is required for organizational and hierarchical purposes and is the proper channel of authority to address specific complaints, appeals, suggestions, and requests. All members, no matter their position in the RS, must use the CoC in this way.

The CoC, if all levels are applicable, is Member -> Squadron XO/CO -> RSXO -> RSFC.

RS Fleet Commander

The Rebel Squadrons Fleet Commander (RSFC) is the individual with the highest command authority in the RS, and shall execute the mission statement of the RS to the full extent of his or her abilities at all times.

The RSFC shall be nominated from among High Command, and elected by a majority vote of High Command. Upon election it is strongly suggested that the RSFC relinquish any other command positions.

Under the circumstance of a tie vote in High Command, the RSFC should strive to resolve the deadlock by way of the best compromise available. He or she may cast a tie-breaking vote only as a last resort.

Council of Justice

The Council of Justice (CoJ) shall consist of three officers, each named Minister of Justice (MoJ), whose highest priority is justice, guided by the Rebel Squadrons foundational concept of H.I.E.R., and independent of the Chain of Command.

The CoJ shall have the responsibility, should the need arise, of removing the RSFC by a unanimous vote. The investigation can be started by a High Command vote of no confidence, which requires a simple majority. A vote of no confidence does not require the CoJ to remove the RSFC from office, but does require that a formal investigation be completed.

When a MoJ seat becomes available, the RSFC shall nominate the successor to be ratified by unanimous vote of the remaining MoJs and a majority vote of High Command. Members who hold RS leadership positions above Squadron CO will be required to resign their position if appointed MoJ. This requirement may be waived by a unanimous decision of the RSFC and the remaining MoJs.

A MoJ may be removed from office by unanimous vote of the remaining two MoJs and the RSFC.

High Command

The RSFC shall keep a council of advisors named High Command (HC) whose voting members shall include certain Platform Coordinators (or substitutes designated by the Coordinators) and Aldermen chosen by the RSFC. Non-voting members may also sit on HC to provide advice at the discretion of the FC.

Aldermen shall be appointed by the RSFC, and shall number at least three, keeping the voting body of HC at an odd number.

Bylaws changes shall be approved by a majority vote of High Command and a unanimous vote by the CoJ.

Should it become necessary, a decision made by the RSFC may be reversed by a 75% vote of High Command.

All HC discussions and any part thereof are to be considered private unless the RSFC and RSXO agree otherwise on a topic-by-topic basis.

Line of Succession

If for any reason both the RS Fleet Commander and RS Executive Officer are unable to perform their duties for a period of time, the responsibility of highest executive authority will reside with the next officer in the Rebel Squadrons' Line of Succession. The members of this line and its order will be determined by the RSFC, and will contain a minimum of seven officers. The RSFC shall keep this list updated as necessary.

Executive Staff

It is understood that the RSFC will need help in executing his or her job. For this reason, the RSFC may appoint as many Executive Staff members as he or she sees fit.

An officer of the Executive Staff is appointed solely by the RSFC, and therefore holds as much authority as the RSFC wishes to imbue him or her with. For this reason, RS members should treat orders from an Executive Staff officer as if the orders had come from the RSFC.

Fleet Structure


The Rebel Squadrons is a fleet of squadrons, each of which has its own policies, regulations, and leadership. No squadron, however, shall act in a manner contradicting established Rebel Squadrons policy. All squadrons will have the opportunity of participating in competitions run by the Platform Coordinators. The Rebel Squadrons will consist of however many squadrons the RSFC deems necessary.

Squadron Formation

The RSFC may create squadrons at any time if it is deemed necessary. A squadron is defined as a unit of 6 to 12 members.

Command Limitations

All officers may hold at most one squadron leadership position (CO or XO of a squadron or special unit) and one club leadership position (Platform Coordinator or Executive Staff). This limit may be waived by the RSFC.

Platform Coordinators

The RSFC shall appoint a certain number of Platform Coordinators to lead gaming operations and other competitions in the Rebel Squadrons. Platform Coordinators will be responsible for duties assigned to them by the RSFC and will sit on High Command at the RSFC's discretion.

Squadron Command

Each squadron shall have a Commanding Officer (Squadron CO), appointed by the RSFC with input from squadron members, who bears responsibility for the well-being of his/her squadron. It is the Squadron CO's responsibility to keep their Squadron XO constantly informed of their squadron's developments to facilitate any temporary or permanent transfer of squadron command.

Each squadron shall have an Executive Officer (Squadron XO), appointed by the Squadron CO, who bears responsibility for their squadron in the event that their Squadron CO is unable to perform his/her duties. When this situation arises, the XO shall be the Acting Squadron CO and have all the authority and power of the Squadron CO. The Squadron XO is expected to assist the Squadron CO in the execution of his or her duties as necessary.

Ranks & Promotions

New Members

All new members enter the Rebel Squadrons with the rank of Cadet (CDT). Once they have confirmed their wish to join, they are immediately placed in the RS Academy.

The RSFC and his or her Executive Staff will determine graduation requirements and the regulations for initial promotion.


To receive a promotion to any rank, a person should consistently show that they are dedicated to the RS by being active over a period of time, consistently participating in activities, and making worthwhile contributions.

All promotions will be awarded for proven service only. Standards for promotions will be fair and consistent with the level of effort. All members may be promoted by their Squadron CO, the RSXO, or the RSFC. The RSFC may only be promoted by a majority vote of the High Command.

Promotion reviews will occur at the discretion of Squadron COs. Every Squadron CO is required to regularly review every member under their command and grant appropriate promotions. Individuals should also be nominated for medals at the discretion of the Squadron COs.

Squadron COs will review officers under their command for Level 1 promotions. The RSFC and RSXO will review all officers for Level 2 promotions. No officer, except the RSFC, may promote another individual above the rank held by the promoting officer.

Level 1: Squadron Ranks

Level 1 ranks are to be awarded by the Squadron CO for proven activity and contributions at the squadron level. Minimum time in each rank is in parentheses next to each rank.

* Promotions to the ranks of LJG or 2LT are earned through completion of new member requirements, as described by the RSFC and his or her staff.

Level 2: Club Ranks

Level 2 ranks are to be awarded only by the RSXO or RSFC, for proven activity and contributions at the club level. Minimum time in each rank is in parentheses next to each rank.

Judiciary Procedures

Judicial Overview

The Council of Justice (CoJ) is the chief judicial body of the Rebel Squadrons. The appointment and membership of the CoJ is governed by Section 2.4 of these bylaws. The CoJ exists to resolve complaints that cannot be appropriately resolved through the Chain of Command and to ensure that the foundational principles of the Rebel Squadrons are upheld throughout the organization.

The Code of Conduct

The CoJ shall publish, with the consent of the Fleet Commander, a code of conduct for Rebel Squadrons members consistent with H.I.E.R. and historical precedent. This code of conduct may be amended from time to time, and should describe what actions are considered misconduct and what appropriate sanctions are for these actions. This code of conduct will be used by members at all levels to appropriately respond to instances of misconduct.

Authority to Enact Judicial Sanctions

Officers in the Chain of Command are empowered, by virtue of their office, to enact appropriate judicial sanctions against members below them in the Chain of Command. Such an exercise of judicial authority will be in accordance with the code of conduct published by the CoJ.

This authority may also be delegated by the Fleet Commander to members of the Executive Staff, consistent with Section 2 of these bylaws. In such cases, the Executive Staff member is exercising the Fleet Commander's authority to enact judicial sanctions.

The Fleet Commander, as the highest officer in the Chain of Command, may only be sanctioned judicially by the members of the CoJ. Such sanctions may only occur as the outcome of a formal complaint and investigation.

Judicial Complaints and Jurisdiction

Any member of the Rebel Squadrons may file a formal complaint against another member, alleging violation of Rebel Squadrons policies and regulations. Such complaints are always resolved at the lowest level possible in the Chain of Command.

Officers in the Chain of Command are empowered, by virtue of their office, to investigate and resolve complaints in which both parties are below said officer in the Chain of Command. However, officers should decline to review complaints that, in their judgment, have not been addressed appropriately by a lower level of the Chain of Command, and should instead refer the complaint to the appropriate level.

If an officer feels that they cannot impartially decide a judicial case for any reason, they should refer that case to the next step in the Chain of Command. If the Fleet Commander feels that they cannot impartially decide a judicial case for any reason, they should refer that case to the CoJ.


When violations of Rebel Squadrons policies and regulations are alleged to occur in a formal complaint, an investigation will be conducted by the appropriate officer in the Chain of Command (as described above), who serves as hearing officer. The standard sequence of events when a complaint is received is the following:

  1. The officer who initially receives the complaint determines whether they are an appropriate hearing officer, based on the Chain of Command. If they are, they may accept the complaint; if they are not, they should refer the case to the appropriate level.
  2. Once the appropriate hearing officer has received the complaint, they must contact the accuser, informing them that they will be serving as hearing officer. The accused is contacted simultaneously and informed that they have been named in a complaint, what the charges are, and the identity of the accuser.
  3. The hearing officer conducts an investigation, gathers additional evidence and testimony from members who were involved, and reaches a finding. Once a finding has been made, all parties in the case and the CoJ must be notified. When appropriate, the CoJ will also notify High Command and Fleet Commander of the outcome of the case.
  4. The hearing officer must release a finding and, if appropriate, sanctions, within a reasonable time frame after contacting the accused and accuser. If additional time beyond what would be considered reasonable is needed, the hearing officer should notify the CoJ and the parties in the case of the delay. All cases should be processed in a reasonable amount of time given the nature of the case and the parties involved.

For any case or appeal that reaches the CoJ, the CoJ shall reach a decision by a simple majority vote of the current member body. Abstentions are not permitted.


All members have the right to appeal an unfavorable judicial decision or action against them. Such appeals are made to the next level in the Chain of Command above the officer whose decision is being appealed. Appeals on the decisions of the Fleet Commander are made to the CoJ.

In the rare circumstance where the CoJ has made or upheld a decision to permanently expel a member from the club, the expelled member may bring one final appeal to the High Command and Fleet Commander. High Command may reverse the decision of the CoJ in such a situation, but only with a 75% majority and the concurrence of the Fleet Commander.

Interpretation of the Bylaws

The CoJ, in its role as chief judicial body of the Rebel Squadrons, shall serve as a resource for the High Command and the Fleet Commander regarding the interpretation of the bylaws. When disputes may arise on the proper interpretation or understanding of the bylaws, the CoJ may upon request determine the correct interpretation of the bylaws.

Recordkeeping and Confidentiality

The CoJ will keep a detailed database of all reported judicial actions and decisions by every level of the Chain of Command, to record precedent and provide a database for use against repeat or grievous offenders.

The outcome of any formal complaint is to be considered non-confidential and published accordingly on the main website. Discussion and deliberation among members of the CoJ, or among a hearing officer and other levels of the Chain of Command, are absolutely privileged and will not be divulged except with the express consent of all parties involved.

Standards of Conduct

Because the Rebel Squadrons deals with a diverse number of people within a wide range of age, geographical location, cultures and sense of social acceptability, the actions that will require official attention are diverse. All officers shall strive to govern their judicial decisions in accordance with the mission statement of the RS to the full extent of his or her abilities at all times.

The Rebel Squadrons is an organization of high standards. Accordingly, there are certain restrictions which all members are bound by, regardless of rank or position.

Members must comply with the code of conduct, as discussed above, at any time when they are engaging in club activities or representing the club.

Members must refrain from ever engaging in non-fictional acts of aggression or antagonism against any other online organization, for any reason. "Espionage", "spying", "hacking" of websites, and "infiltration" of rival clubs is entirely unacceptable.

Finally, members must refrain from creating a hostile or unwelcoming environment for any other member through their actions or communications. Given the diverse background of the Rebel Squadrons, all members must respect and mutually tolerate the differences of others in the organization.
