Kier Santage

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Member Profile
Kier Santage
Career Information
Callsign Wampa
Full RS Name Kier Santage
Rank Lieutenant Junior Grade
Join October 10th, 2006
Current Status Reserve
Personal Information (fictional)
Homeworld Corulag
Species Human
Gender Male
Age 20
Personal Information (Real Life)
Location Anaheim, CA
Age 23

A reserve member of the Rebel Squadrons.



I was born to the ignorance of the empire..... My parents, happy well-off imp civilians. Life was good, until i pulled the wool from my eyes.... and saw the horror that is the Empire. I'd have to say that when I saw my first imperial sweep, and saw all those aliens. Some of which I've never known existed, and I saw them destroyed for merely raising a fist from maltreatment. My eyes were opened, I then realized that when I was growing up my parents kept me away from non-humans because they weren't human. I had grown up to shun anything that wasn't human. I soon fell in with a group of smugglers that happened to be suppying rebel commando teams on Corulag. I had never known the Rebellion had been so organized, especially when we were always hearing about "great Imperial Conquests against the rebel terrorists". I had always felt that the thought of joining the Civil war would be romantic. That was until I heard about Alderaan, I was just coming of age..... the thought of being destroyed by the people who had always "protected" by. So as I was saying, smuggling was a very profitable business, even for the Rebellion. Later, I was involved with raiding Imperial navigational satellites throughout the galaxy in a vain effort to help compiling reports for Alliance Intelligence. I eventually got a hot hand on a stick, my personal ship, a YT-2000 named "Star Shrike" was involved in an action that left me in a position to protect a damaged starliner. An Imp cruiser came out of hyperspace as I was in a transition flight near the fringe of The Corporate Sector. The Liner had been stopped under suspicion of harboring Rebel spies on their way from Fondor, the spies were returning from a snooping mission within the shipyards. The strike cruiser, Virtuous, launched it's fighter squadron, and I put my ship in a position to intercept before the TIEs closed on the liner. I went in cannons blazing, my turrets spitting crimson energy stabbed deep into the lead flight, a following flight jumped on to my tail, and proceeded to drain my shields with their own lasers. I dove as sharply as I could, being pushed deep into my command couch. I immediately picked up the third flight making a run on the liner. I shunted power from my cannons to shields, and switched to ion cannons. I fired at the TIEs one after another they slowed, disabled by my flurry of blue ion energy. The second flight was still breathing down my neck, nibbling at my shields. Just then a pair of A-wings darted in behind the flight of imperials and turn them and their ships into ravaged molten hulks, tariling black oily substances that I can only imagine was the pilots moments before. The A-wing pilots were so taken aback at my stand that they told their commanding officer, a Captain by the name of Pash Cracken. The name was familiar, because I had turned over Intelligence that was destined for the hands of Alliance General Cracken, his father. Well, Captain Cracken gave me a recommendation to New Republic Starfighter Command for immediate Pilot training as a starfigter pilot. Well, it must be obvious that I accepted the offer.....

Note: Biography copypasted, no alterations made.

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