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Taken from Recruiting Office page
Training and Recruiting should be separate, not sure how the two offices ended up on the same page.
==Training Office== The '''Training Office''' (TO) is in charge of building and running the Rebel Squadrons [[Academy]] (RSA), which is designed to educate RSers, whether they just joined a minute ago and need to learn about the RS, or are longtime members and want to learn something new. * Training Officer aka RSA CO: BGN [[Eric Reagan]] * RS Academy XO: LCM [[Keiran Halcyon]] * RS Academy SO: None The aspects of the TO can be broadly divided into "undergraduate" and "postgraduate", where graduation is defined as reaching the rank of [[Lt. j.g.]] or higher. Postgraduate classes are available to active members of the RS who have completed the Beginner's Path or been members since before its inception. For more info on the Training's Office activity, please see [[Academy]]. For a list of currently available courses, please see [[Academy courses]].