Aervain Arnet

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Aervain grew up in Kor Vella on Corellia. He was a talented pilot at a young age, always practicing flight simulators. At the age of fifteen, he was invited by an Imperial officer who was a relative of his, to be an Imperial starfighter pilot. Most of the missions he engaged in were against minor space pirate groups at first, but he works his way up in the pilot's ranks. He proved to be a talented pilot to the Empire with his fearless flying style which would involve charging enemy fighters at full speed, doing as much damage possible then flying away for another sweep. He always joked that the Imperial fighters still weren't fast enough for him. After a year of flying missions for the Empire, he was invited to be a test pilot in the Empire's TIE Phantom project.He picked up the callsign of "Phantom One" because he was the flight leader of one of the test groups of TIE Phantoms in the TIE Phantom Project.

Soon after, he saw some of the doings of the Empire firsthand. He and his best friend soon left, taking a TIE Phantom with them, his friend as the co-pilot. As they were looking for the Rebel Alliance to join them, they were ambushed by a small Rebel patrol group who didn't know that the two Imperial pilots intentions were to join the Alliance. Aervain managed to crash land safely on the planet below, bit his friend wasn't as lucky as he as. Using the just barely intact communication system, he told the Rebel patrol group that he wished the join the Alliance and explained to them that was his intention the whole time. As the Rebels went to the surface to meet him, the Empire had sent the self-destruct code to all of the TIE Phantoms because of the destruction of the TIE Phantom factory by Rookie One which had happened at about the same time as the ambush, the fighter exploded just as Aervain walked away from it and began talking to the Rebel pilots on the surface of the planet.

He proved to be a valuable pilot to the Rebellion because he was a brave and extremely skilled pilot. He was almost thought to be fearless at times because he would fly in extremely close range to Imperial capital ships and do as much damage possible and making himself hard to hit by the turrets of the capital ships. The only thing he fears in space combat is anything faster than him.

Aervain prefers to fly in the Rebel starfighters because of their shields, which the Imperial fighters lacked and the fact that to the Alliance, he was a talented pilot, but to the Empire, he was just another pilot who would be sent on the Empire's various suicide missions until he died and another pilot showed up to take his place. His favorite ships to pilot are the X-Wing, B-Wing and YT-2000 Corellian Transport.