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Victory I-class Star Destroyer.jpg
Production information
Class Victory I-class Star Destroyer
Technical specifications
Length 900 meters
Width 564 meters
Height/depth 289 meters
Maximum speed (atmosphere) 800 km/h
Engine unit(s)

  • Alderaan Royal Engineers LF9 ion engines (3)
  • Secondary engines (4)
Hyperdrive rating

  • Class 1
  • Backup Class 15
Hyperdrive system DeLuxFlux hyperdrive motivator
Power plant Hypermatter annihilation reactor
Shielding 3,200 SBD
  • Quad turbolaser batteries (10)
  • Double turbolaser batteries (40)
  • Assault concussion missile tubes (80)
    • 4 missiles each
  • Tractor beam projectors (10)
  • Complement
  • TIE squadrons (2)
  • Lambda-class shuttles (4)
  • Crew
  • Crew (5,200)
    • Officers (610)
    • Enlisted (4,590)
      • Gunners (402)
  • Minimum crew 1,785
    Passengers 2,040 troops
    Cargo capacity 8,100 metric tons
    Consumables 4 years
  • Command ship
  • Destroyer
  • Carrier
  • Heavy frigate
  • Earliest sighting R2F 503
    Destroyed R2F 506
    Present for battles/events
  • R2F 503
  • R2F 504
  • R2F 505
  • R2F 506
  • Affiliation Galactic Empire

    Imperial vessel. Part of the Imperial task force led by the Star Destroyer Gigantes.


    Part of an Imperial strike force led by the Star Destroyer Gigantes against the battered Republic Shield forces led by the Star Destroyer Liberator. However, Republic Shield forces held the Imperial attack forces at bay long enough for the task force to execute an orderly withdrawal from the combat zone, thwarting Imperial efforts somewhat. (R2F503)

    Part of Imperial forces led by the Star Destroyer Gigantes in pursuit of Republic Shield forces led by the Star Destroyer Liberator, which the Imperial force had on the run. The break-through came when the fleeing Republic Shield forces were pulled out of hyperspace by the Interdictor Claw. However while the vessel and the Imperial forces rushed to reinforce the Claw’s position, Republic Shield forces engaged the Interdictor, crippling it. By the time Imperial forces launched their assault against the Republic Shield force, the Claw’s interdiction field failed, allowing them to escape into hyperspace once more, prolonging the chase. (R2F504)

    Entered the combat zone, where Republic Shield forces led by the Star Destroyer Liberator had just completed a resupply operation courtesy of an anti-Imperial faction led by the Escort Carrier Fish. Imperial forces had failed in disrupting the transfer operation, and the vessel’s arrival heralded the stage set for the final showdown against Republic Shield forces, which refused to retreat further, taking a stand in preparation for the upcoming clash. (R2F505)

    Supported by Imperial reinforcements led by the Star Destroyer Gigantes as the vessel led forward Imperial forces against Republic Shield forces led by the Star Destroyer Liberator, who stood fast against the Imperial forces, refusing to retreat or yield. Imperial forces engaged Republic Shield forces, who fought back. Heavy casualties were taken on both sides, with the Frigates Gunship and Striker succumbing to Imperial fire, while the Star Destroyer Gigantes and the vessel were overwhelmed by Republic Shield forces. Destroyed by Republic Shield forces. (R2F506)


    Behind the Scenes

    This ship was originally named the Leech, but was deemed unsuitable by the Logistics Office. Retroactively renamed by the Logistics Office.

    External Links