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Assassin-class corvette.jpg
Group Cilliip
Production information
Class Assassin-class Corvette
Technical specifications
Length 139.25 meters
Width 58.95 meters
Height/depth 16.97 meters
Maximum acceleration 2,100 G
Maximum speed (space) 60 mglt
Maximum speed (atmosphere) 950 km/h
Engine unit(s) Girodyne Ter58 high-output ion turbine engines (11, in trireme configuration)
Hyperdrive rating Class 2
Hyperdrive system CEC Subspace Hyperdrive System
Power plant Mason-Branger 7085 ionization reactor and regulator
Shielding Phoah-Kingsmeyer 484-J4e (400 SBD)
Hull Ferro-magnesium ceramic (224 RU)
Sensor systems 2 Pax Hustana variable array sensor units
Navigation system Corellian Chain Management NavCom Unit (26640 limited non-AI processing)
  • Dual turbolaser turrets (6)
  • Warhead launcher (1)
    • Concussion missiles standard load (10)
  • Crew 60 to 150 depending on configuration
  • Corvette
  • System patrol craft
  • Rapid strike craft
  • Priority cargo transport
  • Earliest sighting IBG 101
    Destroyed IBG 111
    Present for battles/events
  • IBG 101
  • IBG 102
  • IBG 103
  • IBG 104
  • IBG 105
  • IBG 106
  • IBG 107
  • IBG 108
  • IBG 109
  • IBG 110
  • IBG 111
  • Affiliation Rebel Squadrons

    Group of four Republic Shield vessels.


    All four vessels were part of the fleet build-up near an old white star (#85), preparing to assault the Tarla Minor Shipyards. Present at the build-up during a Republic Shield assault of an Imperial convoy by a task force led by the Calamari Cruiser Engel. (IBG101)

    All four vessels were present at the relocated build-up during a Republic Shield assault of an Imperial shipyard on the edge of Imperial space by a Republic Shield task force led by the Calamari Cruiser Rebel Fist. (IBG102)

    All four vessels were present at the build-up near a blue and green planet (#53) orbiting an old red star (#86) during a Republic Shield assault on nearby Imperial patrol. (IBG103)

    All four vessels were present at the build-up when the fleet came under Imperially-funded pirate attack by mercenary forces led by the Frigate Xenesis. (IBG104)

    All four vessels were present at the build-up near a cloudy planet (#9) on the edge of a green dust nebula (#66) during a Republic Shield undercover information-retrieval mission by the assault transport Lambda. (IBG105)

    All four vessels were part of the Tarla Strike Force assault against the Imperial Super Star Destroyer Tyrannic and its supporting fleet at an Imperial construction facility near a blue and brown planet (#26) orbiting a white star (#91) on the edge of a blue nebula (#68), led by the Calamari Cruiser Rebel Fist. Part of the Interdictor Senate’s protective escort. In the aftermath of the battle, relocated to the rendezvous point near a blue and black gas planet (#34). (IBG106)

    All four vessels were present at the fleet build-up near a cloudy planet (#9) during a Republic Shield recovery mission of a supply convoy, which was in the process of being captured by Imperial forces led by the Star Destroyer Sustainer before the Calamari Cruiser Rebel Fist’s forces disabled and captured the Star Destroyer, and rescued the convoy. (IBG107)

    All four vessels were present at the fleet build-up near a blue and brown planet (#46) and a blue nebula (#68) during Republic Shield assault on the Jardal pirate base. (IBG108)

    All four vessels were present at the build-up near a murky orange planet (#33) orbiting a white star with blue halo (#90) during a failed supply raid by Republic Shield forces that were lured into an Imperial trap by survivors of the Jardal pirates, who escaped during the battle. (IBG109)

    All four vessels rendezvoused with the Calamari Cruiser Ad Astra’s task force near a blue and white planet (#36) orbiting an old white star (#85), after the last of the Imperial outposts barring the way to the planet Tarla Minor and its shipyards were destroyed. (IBG110)

    All four vessels executed the first part of the direct assault against the Tarla Minor Shipyards. Vessels fitted with slave circuits, loaded with explosives, devoid of crew, and rammed into the perimeter Golan II station Perim-1-C to lower its shields. Destroyed in the kamikaze manoeuvre, but paved the way for victory near the planet Tarla Minor. (IBG111)


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