Condensed structure

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Note: This page is from October 2004, and does not represent the current (February 2006) structure changes proposal. That proposal involves only the flying fleets; contact Joshua Hawkins or Himm El-Syna for more information.


Combining all flying units into one unit as part of the structure changes will require a condensed structure. Preferably, no pilot will be in more than one squadron, and all squadrons will be full or nearly so. This will require the deactivation of certain squadrons. The selection of these will be determined by how many active pilots they have, and how active they have been in recent history.

It is intended that no one will be in more than one squadron, but current members at the time of the changes may stay in multiple squadrons, to ease the transition. New members that join after the changes are implemented may only be in one squadron.

Concrete Plan

How will everything actually turn out? Here's the plan..

Command Staff

  • Commanding Officer: Leads the unit.
  • Executive Officer: Assists the CO, ready to step up in case CO must be absent.
  • Game Commanding Officer (e.g. Patriot CO, Retribution CO): Handles all of the game-specific details:
    • Responsible for ensuring quality of game's mission(s) in the ITOD
    • Responsible for ensuring reports are legitimate
    • Along with Training Officer, responsible for technical issues with game
  • Personnel Officer: Responsible for ensuring the command staff of each squadron is present and active, and that members have high morale.
  • Training Officer: Responsible for new members and ensuring they settle in easily.

Other officers may be appointed as the CO sees fit.

Kept Squadrons

Empty slots denoted in parentheses.

Deactivated Squadrons

Note from Himm: Better keep Phalcun and deactivate Nightwolf

Pilots whose squadrons are being deactivated and may choose a squadron to go to

Members most affected by this

These pilots are in two or more active squadrons that will be kept, and these squadrons are active to the point that it will be difficult to choose which one to stay in. For any pilot that this applies to, that pilot may stay in multiple squadrons, and his points will count towards both squadrons.

Example: Licah Fox stays in FireClaw and Jedi; his points count towards both (no multiple submissions necessary).

  • Adam Fene
  • Alexander
  • Dev Azzameen
  • Kresa Rei'de
  • Licah Fox
  • Phil DarkFire
  • Tyrell "Spokes" Borran