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KDY EF76-B Nebulon-class escort frigate
Production information
Class EF76-B Nebulon-class escort frigate
Technical specifications
Length 300 meters
Width 72 meters
Height/depth 166 meters
Maximum acceleration 1200 g
Maximum speed (space) 12 mglt
Maximum speed (atmosphere) 800 km/h
Engine unit(s) Kuat Galaxy-15 ion engines (7)
Hyperdrive rating

  • Class 2
  • Backup Class 12
Shielding 2,560 SBD
Hull 1520 RU

  • Taim & Bak XI7 turbolasers (12)
  • Borstel RH8 laser cannons (12)
  • Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors (2)

  • Starfighters (24)
  • Several Grek-class troop shuttles
  • Several Katarn-class boarding shuttles
  • Crew (920)
      • Officers (77)
      • Enlisted (773)
      • Gunners (66)
  • Minimum crew 307
    Passengers 75 troops
    Cargo capacity 6,000 metric tons
    Consumables 2 years
    Role(s) Frigate
    Earliest sighting RgF 403
    Present for battles/events

    • RgF 403
    • RgF 404
    • RgF 405
    Affiliation New Republic

    New Republic vessel.


    Part of New Republic force led by the Strike Cruiser Sulu in reinforcing Republic Shield forces who had captured the abandoned pirate station Kodiak. Republic Shield forces led by the Calamari Cruiser Stingray had successfully commandeered the station when Imperial forces delivered to the battle zone by elements of the Zodiac Battle Fleet began bombarding the platform and the Stingray. Led New Republic forces against the Imperial interlopers, and joined with the Strike Cruiser Sulu in a direct assault against the Escort Carrier Gemini, forcing it to retreat. (RgF403)

    Part of New Republic task force led by the Strike Cruiser Sulu stationed at the newly captured platform Katana. Oversaw repair operations on the station. New Republic sentries were relieved by the arrival of Republic Shield forces. The arrival of New Republic forces desperately requesting reinforcements for its parent task force prompted the withdrawal of the standing defences, as the New Republic task force led by the Strike Cruiser Sulu quickly withdrew from the area to the aid the besieged forces. Part of the Sulu’s task force that unwittingly fell into an Imperial trap. (RgF404)

    Followed the Strike Cruiser Sulu in an attempt to break free of the Imperial ambush that the task force had been lured into. The battle was not going in the New Republic’s favour, as by the time assistance arrived all of the warships in the task force had lost operational defensive shields. The arrival of the Victory Star Destroyer Overseer promised a chance at survival, as the Overseer led Republic Shield forces against the Imperial attack forces. However, this did not prevent Imperial forces from disabling the vessel and launching a capture operation in an attempt to seize the vessel. A boarding party aboard the transport Pincer I attempted to board the vessel however Republic Shield forces destroyed the capture craft before such an operation could be completed. The Victory Star Destroyer Overseer co-ordinated the defence of the battered New Republic task force, cutting down any further attempts by Imperial forces to capture the New Republic vessels. However, the Strike Cruiser Sulu was not as fortunate as the vessel, as the Calamari Cruiser Sagittarius bombarded the Sulu to its destruction. The assault transport group Celia launched from the Victory Star Destroyer Overseer and carried repair crews to each of the disabled vessels, to help restore operational systems and allow the remnants of the task force to escape from the combat zone. A vessel from the assault transport Celia successfully docked and restored power to the vessel, allowing it to limp from the engagement zone and enter the relative safety of hyperspace, along with the Strike Cruiser Lore and the Frigate Eidolon. However, the rescue of the task force came at a great price, as a second Imperial task force ambushed the Overseer in turn, overwhelming and capturing the Victory Star Destroyer. (RgF405)


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