Corvus Dalen

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Corvus Arca Dalen
Biographical information
Homeworld Hapes
Family Rhiannon & Callista T'Jarell (cousins)
Physical description
Species Human
Gender Male
Height 6'4"
Weight 200 lbs
Hair color Platinum Blond (with unruly, random brown streaks)
Eye colorSky Blue
Chronological and political information
Era(s) Rebellion, New Jedi Order
Affiliation Jedi, Old Republic, New Republic
Associations Davin Ingram Kabak
Ranks First Lieutenant
Titles Jedi Battlemaster [NPC]

First Lieutenant Corvus Dalen, Lancer 4, has served in the RS since Mar 10, 2009.

Character Background

Corvus Arca Dalen was born on Hapes, the only child of wealthy diplomats, Seari and Fealyn Dalen. Even as a very young child, he exhibited extraordinary agility and stamina, as well as the ability to move objects without physically touching them. He was first spotted by a Jedi Consular named Delphus Gorlan, when the Jedi Ambassador arrived on Hapes to settle a dispute between two feuding noble families (Corvus's family was not involved in the affair, but was counted among being good friends with one of the feuding houses). Needless to say, Delphus was impressed with the four year old youngster and eventually obtained his parents' reluctant permission to test the boy for Force Aptitude.

Young Corvus passed Gorlan's tests and was to join him on Yavin IV, to begin training as a Jedi Padawan. After a tearful good-bye, Corvus Dalen bid his parents farewell and departed for the jungle moon, to train under Delphus Gorlan for the next 15 years of his life. Much of his life during this time was spent on Academy training, undertaking various assignments (which often included travel) at his master's side, as well personal challenges assigned to him by Jedi Master Gorlan. After successful passing of his trials at age 19, Corvus was given the rank of Jedi Knight, and began his intensive training in the Jedi Warrior discipline. Nothing is known about the period that followed, which spanned roughly two decades. What is known, however, that Corvus was granted the coveted and elusive title of Jedi Battlemaster by the time he turned 25 years of age. The rest of his elusive life remains an unsolved mystery, as he continues to tread the path of a Jedi, guided by the wisdom of the Living Force.


Sporadic in disposition, it is a rare thing indeed to fully grasp what it is that dwells within the depths of this one's being. From hot to cold, day to night, he walks the fine line between enlightenment and sanity, with the cautious ease of a sinner preaching the gospel. Graced with the diplomat's smile, he is more then learned in the methods of manipulation; inviting the weak of mind into the swirling madness of his day to day life, brooking chaos with the gentle ease of a mother's guiding hand. Ever a sophist, this charismatic enigma is a numinous presence in the Living Force. Free-flowing locks of honeyed mane matriculate down the rugged masque of stoic perfection of his face; brilliant orbs of cunning amber striking out from beneath that veil of raven filaments. Clad in crude garb of an obscure wasteland dweller, he carries himself with an austere aura of dignified nobility in every aspect of the word; from the meticulous raiment which enraptures his statuesque personage to the learned manner in which rarely uttered, emotionless tones of soft-spoken tenor meandered past sanguine lips.

Special Notes

It should be known that Corvus possesses a true affinity with nature. In fact, his bond to it is so strong, that he insists on keeping certain 'eccentric' habits that might appear strange (or even repelling), to others.

Further History


The history of the Jedi known as Corvus Dalen during his 'formative' years is sketchy at best. Many have made assumptions as to exactly what took place during the time he had vanished from the face of the Galaxy. Most of them are just stories, of course - epic legends of a glorious fate befalling a promising Jedi warrior, as befitting a true unsung hero of times long past. Well, I'm here to tell you the true story. And why would you believe me? How certain can you be that my version of the story is true? The answer to those questions is simple: I was there.

Corvus Dalen was captured 3 weeks after Order 66 had been given by the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The Great Jedi Purge had barely started and many Jedi had already been wiped out: executed without question on charges of high treason. Dalen, along with his master and four other Jedi, were fleeing the pogroms that spread like wildfire across the Galaxy. On young Dalen's advice, the renegades decided to flee to Kashyyyk - the Wookie homeplanet. Once they arrived on the planet, they tried to contact other Jedi - to no avail. It appeared that all communications had been cut off. They were left a sitting duck, their options severely limited: either continue to flee or remain on Kashyyyk and stand their ground. Either option presented much danger and seemed to lead to the same inevitable conclusion. When the matter came to a vote, the Jedi had decided to stay on the planet and hide. Their ship had sustained some damage during earlier encounters with clone forces and would not keep them going for long. Thus, logic prevailed and for the time being, the Jedi thought the wild forests of Kashyyyk would provide the ideal hideout for those who did not wish to be found. Little did they know, that a clone commando unit was already dispatched to Kashyyyk...

I was aboard the Acclamator I-class "Leviathan" when we were ordered to Kashyyyk. Our orders were to scout for possible Jedi remnants, Jedi sympathizers - and the like - and eliminate them. Our commander had given orders to capture any Jedi first and have them undergo extensive interrogation. He felt his idea ingenious, as it could provide him with whereabouts of more Jedi traitors. I disagreed for many reasons - but did not voice my opinion aloud. From what I knew of the Jedi, they were too noble in character to betray their own - regardless of their universal traitor status - and would never willingly give up locations of any fellow Jedi. Futile as my commander's idea was, I decided to go along with it, for I was curious about the Jedi. Meeting one (that lived long enough for me to observe even casually), would be something to savor, indeed. So, without further delay, we moved into orbit around Kashyyk, preparing for ground assault.

Within hours, our forces were dispatched to the surface. The Wookiees were formidable species and we were uncertain as to what kind of reception we would receive. Upon our arrival, 'the locals' accepted our presence with reserved caution, and, having gained no information about the possible Jedi hideouts, decided to move along - there was much planet to cover. The next few days passed without incident, and I was convinced that we would be departing Kashyyyk empty handed - but our commander refused to give up. He saw the Wookiees as 'Jedi sympathizers' and would have gladly assaulted them all, if it wasn't for the sheer strength of Wookiee numbers, vs. our limited forces. Still, as we prowled through the Kashyyyk forests, our hopes remained grim; thankfully, something was about to happen which would finally bear fruit to an otherwise seemingly failed mission...

One of the Jedi had been observing us coming for some time, I'm sure. It was quite unfortunate that the branch had cracked under his weight, though I was surprised that he would not have surmised that, being up in the tree for several hours. The fall had brought him no harm, and soon enough, he was on his feet, running through the forest like a bullet - vanishing within the mass of greenery before anyone could have gotten a shot out. I rushed forward, motioning my squad to follow. We were only ten - but we were well trained and thoroughly prepared for this. There was no time to signal the commander on the comlink; I would do that later - after we had found the Jedi hideout. Speaking of which, I almost felt pity for the Jedi - even if the Force was with them, luck certainly did not seem to be. We ran through the forest as fast as we could, hoping to cut the Jedi off at some point - to no avail. But at least now there was tangible proof that the Jedi were indeed, on the planet.

My commander was soon informed of what had transpired. We were to notify him as soon as the secret Jedi hideout was discovered, which I hoped would happen soon. We did not have long to wait. In our relentless pursuit of the Jedi foundling, we came upon a hidden glade surrounded by thick, thorned vines. Apparently, the Jedi ship had been camouflaged in the foliage - but not well enough. Rain and wind had done their job, revealing certain spots where the ship became clearly visible. I felt triumph swell in my chest as I motioned my squad to surround the vessel. It was devoid of life, but its passengers had to be somewhere nearby. We would continue to investigate until our suspicions were confirmed.


The confrontation did not take long. Five Jedi lay dead, their bodies sprawled across the floor of an abandoned compound. The last one, possibly the leader of the pack, lasted the longest - but even his lightsaber tricks couldn't deflect simultaneous fire from nearly a dozen blasters. Silently, I gave the old man points for bravery, then ordered a quick search of the area. The troopers acted too precipitously and my commander would be furious to learn that all the Jedi were killed. He had planned for an elaborate interrogation, but in fact, all we had on our hands now, were silent corpses. No, this would not do at all. I decided to engage in the search myself, choosing to do so without any escort. Moving to the back of the compound, I hoped there were more Jedi within, as the ship they were aboard in could have carried twice their number - and more.

I was not wrong. Lucky the stars that brought me into what seemed like a large closet, only instead of garments, this room was cluttered with electronic equipment, reminiscent of an obsolete communications device. At the helm of it sat a young boy of no more than 19 years of age - his gaze transfixed on a small screen which seemed to be blank, but pulsing with a uniform heartbeat. As he saw me, he immediately drew to his feet, his concentration broken. I grinned under the helmet, admiring his nerve - then assured him in a calm, mechanical voice that his message would not be sent today - or any other day. The next thing I remember was the flash of blue sizzling in an upward motion, slicing the air with a familiar snap-hiss. As more troopers stepped up behind me, I gave a quick order to stun - this was possibly our last chance to capture a live Jedi specimen for my commander's machinations. There would be no disintegrations - this time.

The boy was much faster than any of us could anticipate; his movements flawless and deliberate yet hard to anticipate. At one point I thought my head would explode as he roared - a cry of a creature neither human or sentient - something primeval, something...unimaginably dangerous. I had never heard that sound before, but the skull-splitting force inside my head told me it could not be tolerated for long. Yet in my frustration I could not help but admire the young Jedi - his mimicking of this unknown predator sent more than half my men out of the chamber, as they clutched their helmets and fled away from the insufferable noise. Later on, I came to learn that the sound mimicked by the Jedi was none other than that of the ferocious Wampa ice creature. Although we had eventually managed to subdue him, I felt it was necessary to report this extraordinary ability to my commander; he on the other hand, found it a peculiar curiosity that only made the Jedi more valuable to hold. He would send a special report to his commanding officer and perhaps this little Jedi would make it as far as Lord Vader's experimental torture chamber - the horror stories of which I had only heard in passing and was never really sure if such a thing really existed or not. For the time being, the operation was over. We all headed back to base and then back to the ship, triumphant.

The commander was pleased, though somewhat disappointed that we failed to capture at least one other Jedi. This was in case the interrogation techniques would have proved fatal to one - he would have yet another to test his methods on. As it turned out, Lord Vader himself had taken interest in Kashyyyk and the Jedi found therein. The Victory Star Destroyer "Scylla", commanded by Rear Admiral Chet Ingram Kabak was under way to collect the Jedi. My commander was not impressed. Vader ordered the Jedi to be put into a cryo tank for his voyage to the Dark Lord. As the VSD arrived in orbit of Kashyyyk, we all formed ranks in our hangar bay, awaiting the boarding of its commanding officer. Kabak wasted little time. He and his first officer arrived sans entourage and requested immediate transfer of the prisoner as well as two troopers to supervise the transfer. He too, wanted no incidents. I volunteered, along with another trooper from a different squad - and having collected the cryo tank, we were shuttled aboard the VSD without any further delay. Upon closer inspection of the admiral's first officer, I noted with a shock that it was a female! She had a cold manner and a regal bearing that seemed to directly counterbalance the easy-going formality of her superior. Judging by this outward demeanor, I surmised that she was either Hapan or Corellian - but leaned towards the former, based on the stiff manner in which she approached everything.

Little did I know of the guile this creature harbored within.

As we arrived aboard the VSD, the cryotank was moved to a special location, not the brig or a special vault, but a chamber directly adjacent to the admiral's own quarters. I did not question this of course, but found it highly peculiar. My companion and I were set as guard outside the doors. Unbeknownst to either of us, there was another passage into the cell - one located directly in Kabak's quarters. You can surmise easily, what followed. Three nights later, the alarm sounded in the cell, with half the ship's complement turning out, blasters blazing. Too late. The Jedi was gone. As was the first officer, Captain Kai'Teslar. Hapan scum. I do not know exactly how she managed to spring the boy or whether Kabak himself was involved. We found him raging afterwards, executing my companion and sending me to Vader instead, for 'special consideration'. Obviously, he wasn't going to take any flack for this. And so, I had precious days, perhaps even hours, to prepare for death.

They are going to take this log away as soon as I'm done with the entry - I hope that someone finds it and records the events as they happened - lest they be changed to suit 'other' historians, eager to rewrite them in their own mold to suit the purposes of whoever controls the winds of destiny.


After trooper Reyes' final demise (he was tortured for several days before he actually died), there was some speculation that Kai'Teslar had fled to the remote planet of Hoth, taking the Jedi with her. One thing is certain, she was not the one who freed him from cryogenic sleep. A young Force adept, by the name of Davin Kabak had come to Hoth on one of his missions and found the remains of a female skeleton in one of the ice caves on Hoth. Upon further investigation, he came to encounter the ferocious Wampa ice creatures which the young Jedi had imitated so long ago, on Kashyyk - his own personal battle cry against those who would seek to harm him. After slaying two of them, Davin came upon the cryo tank and had it taken up to his vessel. Successful revival was to reawaken Corvus Arca Dalen - and the rest, as they say - is history.