Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport

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Delta-class DX-9 transport.jpg
DX-9 stormtrooper transport
Production information
Class Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport
Technical specifications
Length 20 meters
Width 7.8
Height/depth 5.8
Maximum speed (space) 55 mglt
Engine unit(s) Telgorn IA/4 Fusial Thrusters (2)
Hyperdrive rating Class 2
Hyperdrive system Telgorn Corporation IA/4 Hyperdrive Motivator (embedded with thruster system)
Power plant Lotek 12b Solar Ionization Reactor
Shielding Forward/rear projecting Novaldex shields (rated 125 SBD)
Hull Quadanium steel armored titanium (rated 80 RU)
Navigation system Telgorn Corporation Twin-Tandem Flight Computers
  • Taim & Bak KT4 laser cannons (8)
  • ArMek SW-2 ion cannons (4)
  • Krupx MG7 proton torpedo launcher (2)
    • 5 proton torpedoes each, standard load
  • Crew 5
    Passengers 30 stormtroopers or 10 spacetroopers
  • Transport
  • Boarding craft
  • The Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport was an assault vehicle, built by Telgorn Corporation, which was designed to carry Imperial stormtroopers into battle.


    The stormtrooper transport saw a great deal of action during the Galactic Civil War, not only for boarding operations and deploying troops into battle, but also as a personnel transport for use between starships. It also could be used to resupply bombers and repair other craft. Omega and Sigma were notable Imperial teams of DX-9s that participated in many missions.

    Although designed for the Galactic Empire, many DX-9 were also often used by other factions, most notably the Rebel Alliance.

    The Empire eventually developed a successor to the Delta-class, the Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transport. The larger ATR-6 lacked frontal laser cannons, instead having laser turrets to cover firing arcs that were blind spots on the DX-9. The Imperial Navy continued to use the Delta-class for most assault and boarding operations, turning to the Gamma-class if especially heavy opposition was expected. A further development was the Beta-class ETR-3 escort transport which combined the DX-9's frontal weaponry with the ATR-6's turrets.

    Currently, the Delta-class DX-9 transport can be found almost anywhere in the galaxy; faithfully fulfilling it's role as a multi-functional support vessel. The balance of functionality of the DX-9 comes at a stark price; while streamlined and built for speed (the vessel is approximately 15% faster than most other boarding craft), it's maneuvering thrusters are inadequate for dogfighting. Starfighter class vessels can easily outmaneuver the craft and strike against its exposed engine blocks with ion cannons or laser cannons, effectively crippling the vessel.

    Tactical Notes

    Assaulting one of these vessels from the aft, ventral, or dorsal sections nominally yields the best results; as precision targeting can allow a pilot to strike at any number of critical systems. Nominally, an assault plan inclusive of DX-9 normally sees a flight of starfighters assigned for point defense in order to cover the DX-9s until they are able to unleash their payload of warheads upon enemy capital ships. Republic pilots be warned, a flight of DX-9s normally indicates a heavier enemy presence in the area.

    Behind the Scenes

    In Star Wars: TIE Fighter, the DX-9 is simply known as the Transport or TRN. However, official strategy guides have referred to it as the Stormtrooper Transport to avoid confusion with other craft with similar functions, and it adopted the latter name for later titles in the series.

    In Star Wars: X-wing Alliance the Aurebesh symbols "NGC" are found on the backside of the ship.

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