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Here is a list of the planets and what owning them does for you:

Abregado rae: Aeten II: Alderaan: Alzoc III: Anaxes: Atzerri: Bespin: Bestine: Bondan: Bothawui: Byss: Cardia: Corellia: Corulag: Corscant: Dagobah: Dantooine: Endor: Eriadu: Fondor: Fresia: Geonosis: Hoth: Ilum: Jabiim: Kashyyyk: Kessel: Korriban: Kuat: Manaan: Mon Calamari: Naboo: Nal Hutta: Polus: Ryloth: Shola: Sullust: Taris: Tatooine: Thyferra: Vergesso Asteroids: Wayland: Yavin: