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KDY EF76-B Nebulon-class escort frigate
Production information
Class EF76-B Nebulon-class escort frigate
Technical specifications
Length 300 meters
Width 72 meters
Height/depth 166 meters
Maximum acceleration 1200 g
Maximum speed (space) 12 mglt
Maximum speed (atmosphere) 800 km/h
Engine unit(s) Kuat Galaxy-15 ion engines (7)
Hyperdrive rating

  • Class 2
  • Backup Class 12
Shielding 2,560 SBD
Hull 1520 RU

  • Taim & Bak XI7 turbolasers (12)
  • Borstel RH8 laser cannons (12)
  • Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors (2)

  • Starfighters (24)
  • Several Grek-class troop shuttles
  • Several Katarn-class boarding shuttles
  • Crew (920)
      • Officers (77)
      • Enlisted (773)
      • Gunners (66)
  • Minimum crew 307
    Passengers 75 troops
    Cargo capacity 6,000 metric tons
    Consumables 2 years
    Role(s) Frigate
    Earliest sighting IBG 404
    Destroyed IBG 405
    Present for battles/events

    • IBG 404
    • IBG 405
    Affiliation Galactic Empire

    Imperial vessel. Part of the Star Destroyer Belligerent’s task force.


    Present at the Star Destroyer Belligerent’s fleet buildup when the Victory Star Destroyer Dominator returned from its recovery mission of supplies from the mining installation Mine 12XFT-3. When Republic Shield forces followed the Dominator to the fleet buildup, the task force attempted to prevent their escape. However, Republic Shield forces managed to break free of the area and report back to their task force the location, size and composition of the Imperial fleet buildup. (IBG404)

    Stationed with the Star Destroyer Belligerent’s task force when Republic Shield forces arrived and probed the fleet, then promptly withdrew, allowing a possible vector of origin to be plotted. Joined Imperial contingent force led by the Victory Star Destroyer Dominator in pursuing the intruder in order to neutralise it, while rest of the Belligerent’s task force proceeded out of the system. Tracked the incursive force to a Republic Shield task force in a region of space with a view of a spiral galaxy spiral galaxy (#76). Launched its forces and engaged the Republic Shield task force, successfully aiding in bringing down the gunships Daze and Daunter, but was overwhelmed by Republic Shield forces in the battle. Destroyed by Republic Shield forces. (IBG405)


    Behind the Scenes

    This ship is borrowed from Official Continuity. No information is known about the vessel’s exploits before its participation in the campaign against Republic Shield forces, in which the vessel perished.

    External Links