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KDY EF76-B Nebulon-class escort frigate
Production information
Class EF76-B Nebulon-class escort frigate
Technical specifications
Length 300 meters
Width 72 meters
Height/depth 166 meters
Maximum acceleration 1200 g
Maximum speed (space) 12 mglt
Maximum speed (atmosphere) 800 km/h
Engine unit(s) Kuat Galaxy-15 ion engines (7)
Hyperdrive rating

  • Class 2
  • Backup Class 12
Shielding 2,560 SBD
Hull 1520 RU

  • Taim & Bak XI7 turbolasers (12)
  • Borstel RH8 laser cannons (12)
  • Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors (2)

  • Starfighters (24)
  • Several Grek-class troop shuttles
  • Several Katarn-class boarding shuttles
  • Crew (920)
      • Officers (77)
      • Enlisted (773)
      • Gunners (66)
  • Minimum crew 307
    Passengers 75 troops
    Cargo capacity 6,000 metric tons
    Consumables 2 years
    Role(s) Frigate
    Earliest sighting PBF 605
    Destroyed PBF 607
    Present for battles/events
  • PBF 605
  • PBF 606
  • PBF 607
  • Affiliation Galactic Empire

    Imperial vessel. Part of the Star Destroyer Battleking’s task force.


    Arrived to protect an undefended Imperial supply cache from Republic Shield reconnaissance forces, which were scanning the contents of the containers. Led Imperial forces against the reconnaissance forces, but the entire supply cache of mineral ores, food rations, tibanna gas, armour, and TIE starfighters were destroyed by the Republic Shield force, along with the vessel’s own starfighter complement. The vessel withdrew from the supply cache after the majority of containers and starfighters had been destroyed and the reconnaissance force escaped into hyperspace. (PBF605)

    Returned to the Imperial supply cache decimated by a previous Republic Shield reconnaissance force. Attempted to prevent the remnants of the cache from Aurora Force commandos attempting to secure the cargo with transport group Redstar. Republic Shield forces hampered Imperial efforts, allowing the Aurora Force transports to escape with the captured tibanna gas. Destroyed the remaining supply containers, but not before the transport group Redstar successfully withdrew from the engagement zone with the cargo. (PBF606)

    Lured into a Republic Shield trap by the corvette Warden, which feigned significant damage from an incident in the nearby asteroid field. The Warden surrendered to the vessel, and Imperial forces disabled the corvette and its escort. Launched the transport Omicron to board and capture the Warden, when the Republic Shield escort force sprang to life, destroying the Omicron and preventing capture of the corvette. Before the vessel could order its forces against the escort, the Republic Shield ambush force led by the Calamari Cruiser McGrath arrived. The McGrath led the attack, directly engaging the vessel. Imperial reinforcements led by the Star Destroyer Battleking and backed up by the Frigate Quickdraw arrived to hammer the McGrath, but their aid was too late to save the vessel, which succumbed to the Republic Shield trap. Destroyed by Republic Shield forces. (PBF607)


    Behind the Scenes

    This ship was originally named the Marauder, which is the name of several ships in Official Continuity, as well as the name of a prominent modified corvette in the Republic Shield. Retroactively renamed by the Logistics Office.

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