Fiction Writing

Revision as of 15:51, 20 February 2006 by Indy (talk | contribs)
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Having a guide for Star Wars fiction writing is a little odd, but here is some advice from the sage Kaz:

Don't be a douchebag, you don't have superpowers.
You are not the world's most renowned Jedi, you are not an unstoppable pilot or commando.

Here's a little more from Indy:

You control only your character, no one else's.  If you're not sure what another character
would say in a given situation, it might be a good idea to contact the person who plays said 
other character and talk out the situation you're trying to write.
Paragraphs, punctuation, and other grammatical things are your friends.  Do not disrespect 
them...or us.  Spelling does matter most of the time.
Write your posts in Word, Wordpad, Notepad -- some kind of word processing system -- before 
you try to send them out.  This prevents you from losing an entire post due to e-mail errors, 
ect.  It took the XO a couple of years to learn this lesson, and he is much happier for having 
learned, as are we all.