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Kuat-class escort carrier.jpg
Production information
Class Kuat-class Escort Carrier
Technical specifications
Length 500 meters
Height/depth 150 meters
Maximum acceleration 4 MGLT/s
Maximum speed (space) 13 MGLT
Hyperdrive rating
  • Class 1
  • Backup Class 12
  • Shielding 1600 SBD
    Hull 912 RU
  • Taim & Bak H8 point defense twin laser cannons (10)
  • Krupx VL-6 warhead launcher (1) - Standard load: 25 concussion missiles
  • Complement
  • Starfighters (72)
  • Various support craft (usually 6 shuttles)
  • Crew
  • Crewmen (3,845)
  • Gunners (20)
  • Minimum crew 1,500
    Passengers 800 (pilots and troops)
    Cargo capacity 5,000 metric tons
    Consumables 1 year
    Role(s) Carrier
    Earliest sighting R2F 505
    Present for battles/events R2F 505
    Affiliation Unknown

    Anti-Imperial faction vessel.


    Agreed to resupply the battered Republic Shield task force led by the Star Destroyer Liberator to aid in their battle against Imperial forces in the region. Provided replacement starfighters and supplies in return for the Republic Shield’s pledge to remove the Imperial presence in the sector. Launched the transport group Sigma, and the transports Kappa I, Kappa II, and Kappa III to resupply the Star Destroyer Liberator, the Modified Frigate Angelfire, and the Frigates Gunship and Striker, respectively. Helped co-ordinate perimeter security with Republic Shield forces, which intercepted incoming Imperial forces intent on disrupting the transfer operation. (R2F505)


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