Game information - Links

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Websites are the meat and bread of the research done here, along with the game itself, and so it's really useful to post a list of links here so that people don't have to duplicate the same research you have done.

To avoid a huge, unwieldy storm of links, follow these principles:

  • Summarize! Say what the link has. If it is trying to be a huge reference site, like us, just say "everything!" and note how much of everything they have.
  • Organize the links by topic - if a site is noteworthy only because it provides a few custom missions, put it in a Custom Missions section. If a site has all kinds of stuff, put it in a General Reference section (or maybe just "General").
  • Mark a big bold DONE by a link if you are sure you have gotten all the useful information out of it. It'll still be there in case someone wants to check, but most people can just bypass it, knowing that it has been completed.
  • Cross-reference websites with other games - if you found a great TIE Fighter site that also has good XvT material, make sure it's listed both in the TIE and XvT links on this wiki.