Great Temple of Adhe Zion

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A temple built by Bethlamorian Sith warlord Adhe Zion to be the center of his kingdom, as well as a place of worship for his followers. After his death at the hands of his two sons, a tomb was constructed in the catacombs deep under the temple proper: Zion's grave is called the Tomb of Adhe Zion, and is the site of a powerful Sith altar.

The temple was converted into a Jedi base by Lord Hoth's Army of Light after the Republic invasion and liberation of Bethlamore from Sith forces during the Light and Darkness War. It was abandoned by the Jedi Order circa 200 BBY; used as a Seperatist base, and then a Republic base, during the Clone Wars; and was most recently converted into the headquarters for the Assembly of the Force and its Academy.

Currently the Temple of Adhe Zion serves as headquarters for the Assembly of the Force, a refuge for various unaffiliated peoples and refugees, and a base for the independent group of smugglers, spies, and mercs, SkyNet, which is headed by Randy.