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Serving the Rebel Squadrons requires many different talents, skills, and abilities. One of the greatest things about the group is that you will always have something important to bring to it, and your contribution will be worthwhile.


You can begin your leadership immediately in the RS by getting involved. Participating in and talking about the current activities will lead others to do the same and increase the enjoyment level for everyone. Get the ball rolling by flying that mission or writing that portion of the narrative early and with great enthusiasm. Think about the work you're doing and offer some good observations about it as well.

Squadron leaders

You should be very in tune with the people under your command, which should not be more than a dozen (the maximum being 12, including yourself). You should be point person for interpreting Command's instructions for activities, and handing out assignments to your squadron in a way very clear and helpful for them. Enable your people to have fun and succeed in their participation. Likewise, you are their direct representative to Command, compiling complaints or praise to give Command valuable feedback about the activities they've created.

Keep up the communication - even if you have very little time in a given day or two, it's important that you let your people know you're there for them if they send you questions or want your input on something. Lead from the front: do an activity as soon it's released so that you are equipped well to answer questions about it and catch problems before they occur for others.

Unit leaders (e.g. Fleet Command Staff)

Your role is to design activities for those under your command to participate in. In essence, you create the daily bread and butter of the Rebel Squadrons. What kind of activities you design will be based on the games under your control, but be imaginative. Draw in the rich universe of Star Wars wherever you can. And provide something for people to participate in as often as you can; try to have something ready to go at all times if there is a need for it.

Fleet Commander

Each Fleet Commander leads differently, and far be it from this wiki page to prescribe a path of leadership; many different styles can be successful. What everyone else should know is that the FC's time is quite precious, since he must oversee absolutely everything that goes on in the RS. The smaller decisions should be left to people under his command; approach him about possible new projects, but be prepared to see them through to completion yourself, as his time is divided between many pressing items.

Using your menu

This describes functions at .

All command staff:

  • Promotions: you may promote anyone directly under your command that is eligible according to the bylaws.
  • Mark or Unmark AWOL: When someone does not respond to any communication for a period of time, you should note on the website that they are AWOL (Absent WithOut Leave) so that others know too, in case they wanted to contact the person.

Join system:

  • Roster: you can see any new members you have not yet contacted. Click the name of the game after you've contacted them for the first time about that game.
  • Notifications: maintain the list of people who are emailed about new members for that game and unit
  • Requirements Manager: edit the stated list of requirements for new members for that game
  • Checklist: update accomplishments of new members

Your unit:

  • Roster (Edit): view or edit the unit's roster
  • Email Fleet: brings up a draft of an email to all members of the fleet
  • ITOD Scores and Databases: quick links to the ITOD system
  • Medals Queue: check to see if there are any nominations pending for you to approve or deny
  • Merit Points: update merits earned by members of the unit
  • Merit Badges: update the titles of merits that are earned
  • OOB Ships: see what ships are assigned to your unit