From Rebel Squadrons Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchICTE is the Inter-Club Training event on IRC. It is held every Saturday, in the #outerrim channel. For detailed info, please visit the RS ICTEpage.
Supported games
Star Wars
- BF — Battlefront
- BF2 — Battlefront 2
- EaW — Empire at War
- GB — Galactic Battlegrounds
- JA — Jedi Academy
- JK — Jedi Knight
- JO — Jedi Outcast
- RC — Republic Commando
- SWG — Star Wars Galaxies
- XvT — X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (1v1 .. any 2 teams, up to 4/side?)
- XWA — X-Wing Alliance (1v1 .. any 2 teams, up to 4/side?)
- Alleg — Allegiance
- SMK - Super Mario Kart (Kaillera) (1v1)
DB website also lists support for:
- MERC (Special Event)
- MOON - Moon Duel (Special Event)