Janaus Carnae

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Janus Carnae
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Homeworld Cargamalis, in the Bruanii Sector
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LJG Janus Carnae

Primary Statistics...

    Name :				Janaus Carnae
    Age :				27
    Homeworld :			Cargamalis, in the Bruanii Sector
    Gender :				Male
    Race :				Human
    Height :				6’2”
    Weight :				185 lbs
    Hair :				Dark brown/black
    Notable Features: 			None, very nondescript

Noteworthy Dates...

    Birth Date :			-20 ABY
    Entered Academy :			-2 ABY
    Graduated Academy :		-1 ABY
    Aegipan Posting :			-1 ABY
    Promotion to Cmdr :		-1 ABY
    Promotion to Cptn :		0 ABY
    Transferred to the Prometheus :	3 ABY
    Defected to the Remnant :		4 ABY
    Served Under Adm Rogriss : 	4-7 ABY
    Defect to New Republic:		7 ABY
    Transferred to RS :		8 ABY


Father : Aeschylus Carnae, Imperial Officer that commanded the ship Agamemnon, a Imperial Customs Frigate in their home system of Cargamalis Mother : Eileithyia Carnae, Cargamalis native that died in childbirth


Skills and Proficiencies : Extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and sword combat, as well in smaller blasters, slicing, and capital ship tactics, most especially in the use of interdiction wells as combat advantages. Also has intensive knowledge of both Imperial and New Republic vessels, and technology.

Notable Possessions : Ani, an R6 droid specially designed for use as an aid in various functions, including administration, as well as shadier aspects such as slicing and programing. Familial ceremonial sword, bastard sword in style and worn as symbol of familial status.


Janaus was born to Aeschylus and Eileithyia Carnae, an Imperial Customs Captain and a native of Cargamalis. His mother died in childbirth, and he was raised subsequently by his grandparents, fervent supporters of the Empire which instilled in him heavily the concepts of honor and personal responsibility to a society. Upon reaching 18, he entered the Imperial Naval Academy and was grudgingly graduated in the top 2% of his class even with his record for many counts of minor indiscipline. He was sent to the Quelii Oversector and made originally a probational astronavigational lieutenant on the ship Aegipan {an Immobilizer 418-class cruiser} under the command of Captain Cain. Soon proving his worth in detecting and thwarting the defection plans of the previous ships XO as well as in numerous combat situations, Captain Cain promoted him to the rank and position of Commander. In the months leading up to the Battle Of Yavin, Captain Cain was killed while thwarting a pirate attack on Cargamalis 4, and the ship was only saved through Janaus' quick thinking and actions. Impressed by his actions at the skirmish at Cargamalis 4, then Admiral Zsinj granted the him the command of the Prometheus, an Imperial Interdictor Star Destroyer, and utilized his ship as part of his defense contracts with worlds to which he was petitioning for support as a hunter-killer patrol ship searching for and destroying pirate groups. After the death of the Emperor in 4 ABY at the Battle Of Endor, Janaus left the service of then Warlord Zsinj along with the crew of the Prometheus and entered the service of the remaining imperial forces remaining during each of the changes in the Empire's command under Admiral Teren Rogriss. He remained in Admiral Rogriss' service till him and his ship was transferred to defend a set of backwater worlds being prayed on by a group of pirate raiders. While there, Janaus and some of the crew grew increasingly disgusted with the actions of the Imperial Governor and the Imperial Garrison there. Finally, after the governor staged a mass execution of the locals following Janaus' refusal to do so, Janaus took the Prometheus to the Governor's capital planet and executed him. This action led to Janaus and the majority of his crew attempting to defect to the New Republic in 7 ABY. Unfortunately, one of his inner circle betrayed their plans to the Imperial taskforce dispatched to stop them, and this subsequently led to a battle in which the attacking Star Destroyer was destroyed, but the majority of the Prometheus' crew was killed, and the ship heavily damaged. Eventually the limping Interdictor made it to New Republic space. Upon arrival the Prometheus was taken to Bilbring Shipyards in an attempt to salvage the incredibly valuable ship. Following these events he accepted a commission as a Captain in the New Republic Navy and participated in many battles under various commands including the Battle of Tantive V against Admiral Gaen Drommel. It was in this battle that Janaus ship suffered heavy casualties due to a mistake made by him, losing almost 98% of it's crew. After intensive psychological rehabilitation, he deemed himself unable to serve in a command role for the time being and demanded to be demoted for his actions. Due to this, he was removed as the Captain of the Menelaus and demoted to 2LT. It was at this crucial junction in his life where he had run out of options that he received a message inviting him to RS...