Jane Minersha

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Member Profile
Jane Minersha
Career Information
Callsign Ro
Full RS Name Jane Minersha
Rank Second Lieutenant
Join July 6th, 2009
Current Status Active
Current Station VSGII Resurrection II
Other Current Positions Dragon 8, VSG
Personal Information (fictional)
Homeworld Corellia
Species Human
Gender Female
Age 25
Personal Information (Real Life)
Location Dallas, TX
Age 26

A member of the Rebel Squadrons.



Wanting to satisfy her taste for revenge against the Empire for ruining the life of her family and the lives of all of her friends at the old shop, she followed the logs and went to several locations noted before she finally found a Rebel Outpost. After a thorough background check, as well as several tests, she was accepted into The Rebellion. With her skills, it was obvious that a Starfighter mechanic was her calling. However, after the battle of Endor, where many Capital starships, as well as Starfighters were lost, she went to her commander and requested a transfer to the Starfighter Corps. For an entire year, the request to be a fighter pilot was denied. About four weeks ago, she was transferred to a front-line starship, and that was when things got interesting...

Space unfolded around her, and her freighter slipped from the pseudomotion of hyperspace. She preformed another systems check as she made sure to do with every transition into and out of lightspeed, since the somewhat fidgety systems of the freighter had a knack for failure. Tilting her head down, she saw no activity in the debris field before her. An double beep caused her to look down at the status of the systems scan. "Great... now I have to fix that too..." and with the lethargy that usually came with the tedious repairs, she hit a button near her armrest which sent a signal to Sprocket. As she walked down the ramp from her seat to the door she heard a quick series of beeps and whistles. Usually he didn't do that unless there was a problem. The door opened automatically for her and, walking down the tunnel to the sourse of the problem, she stopped short. Six stormtroopers stood with blaster rifles, and each one was pointing at her. Looking at them, she screamed and they opened fire... And than she woke up, on the floor of her shared room with Annika, her bunkmate, shaking her.

"Jane! Wake up! Jane! Its only a Dream!" Annika reassured her. The woman who was her bunkmate had been aboard the frigate 'Oblivion' for the greater part of the war and was herself a technician.

"I... I know it was a dream... it was the same one as last time. With the Stormtroopers," She shook her head, trying to clear away the all too familiar dream from her mind. For months, the same dream, and something bad always happened when she had them, "what time is it?"

Annika, letting out a sigh of Relif, that her friend was alright, looked at the chrono on the wall. "Its only 0422. Your duty shift doesn't start for another hour and a half, right? How about some breakfast?"

"Yeah, but I need to talk to Commander Dravis again. Maybe he'll push my reassignment through this week." A hopeful thought. She had been trying for months to get in the cockpit of a fighter. She'd done everything she could think of to try to convince him, from flight Simulator mission scores to nearly begging, and she had a fresh batch of scores that beat even some of the actual pilots scores.

"Why do you want to be a pilot so bad? We have it pretty easy as techs, all we need to do is patch up the fighters so they can go do the shooting while we stay safe inside the ship. Do I have to remind you again that this is your eighth attempt with Dravis?" When Jane fixed her with an angry glare, Annika backed up a bit and frowned. "Now don't look at me like that. I'll support you in whatever you do, you're my friend... but I'm just saying... bother him too much and he might just have you scrubbing the fligt deck with a hand rag."

"Jane, If you come to me again with this silly request I'm going to have you scrub the flight deck with a hand rag!" Commander Dravis' words rang out loud in the small office. He was standing with his back to her looking out of the window that showed the flight deck a few stories below. Dravis was a tall man with salt and pepper hair, and he obviously worked out. Commader James Dravis was human, about 45 years old, and his broad torso made his uniform seem a size too small. Turning around to her, he locked those steel grey eyes with her violets and sighed, calming down. "Look, I know you want to be out there fighting instead of in here fixing, but I just can't do it. The roster is full and though your score on multiple fighters is excellent, I can't bump anyone out of either squadron to stick you on it. It wouldn't be fair to the pilot who earned his or her position and it wouldn't be fair for the squadron that pilot would be bumped from. Besides, you and your crew are our backbone. The Imps break them, and you fix them. I'm sorry, but we need you here."

She stood, their gazes staying locked and her expression blank. She had been sure that he would allow her to join the squadron, but she was once more dissapointed. "Sir... yes sir," she said slowly. "Sir, what about the reserve pilots? Surely there is room on the roster for reserves?" A glimmer of hope. If she could get reserve status, it was only a matter of time untill she was in the seat!

Dravis sighed, shook his head, and sat down at his desk. "I swear... you're persistant, I'll give you that..." he looked down the list of active pilots, shuffled one of the reserves to fill in for a lieutennant who was injured in a fight the night before, and than looked down at the reserve pilots list. "Well, I'll be... " his voice trailed off. Looking at the bottom of the rotation, there was a pair of reserve slots open. "Looks like this is your chance Minersha. Due to the lack of a requisition approval from command, we have a slot open." He saw her grin was almost about to envelop her face and quickly stood up, pointing a finger at her. "Don't think this will be easy for you. We still need your repair expertise on the deck. Do as long as you are on the reserve list, you'll preform BOTH duties. Report to... Ugh!" The whole deck shook beneath them, sending Dravis and Minersha into the same bulkhead. "What the h..." Before he could finish his queary, the alarm klaxons blared and an announcement came over the Internal Comm.

"Red alert, Red alert, Imperial Interdictor-class Cruiser bearing 521 mark 101. All hands to battlestations! I repeat, Imperial Interdictor-class Cruiser bearing 521 mark 101. All hands to battlestations!" Dravis was moving to his own Internal comm, activating the shipwide frequency. "This is Commander Dravis, All pilots Suit up and get to your fighters. Repeat, All pilots to your fighters. Tech and Med crews standby!" He looked up at Jane and before he could say what she knew he was going to, she was out the door, rushing down to the flight deck to run preflights on the squadron of X-Wings and B-Wings.

(More to come soon!)

Note: Biography copypasted, no alterations made.

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