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Kormek was born on the planet Naboo to an Ambassador named Kali Nomad and a Royal Adviser named Marcus Ravis. Kormek had a very easy childhood, he was born during the Battle Of Yavin and his parents always spoke of the great Rebel Alliance and the evil Galactic Empire. His mother told him stories of the Jedi fighting the evil Sith, who were really evil Jedi, as she explained. His mother knew the true Sith race died thousands of years ago. Kormek went to a private school on Naboo and mostly lived under Royalty, something he didn't like. Kormek met the Queen of Naboo at time, he spent most of his off time in the throne room with his father when he spoke to the Queen during political debates. Everything he heard was always on the Rebel Alliance and how well they were doing against the Galactic Empire, this made Kormek very curious about them, so when he reached the age of 18 he went to seek out a Recruiter that was visiting Naboo to stop an Imperial Spy that was loose on the planet, after Kormek helped the Recruiter helped him get into the Rebel Alliance and took him to Yavin after the war ended. Kormek then joined the ranks and became part of the Rebel Alliance, he didn't get to fight in the Battle Of Endor, but now he knows a new war is at hand with the Yuuzhan Vong who have invaded from unknown space and is the threat years after the fall of the Empire. Rogue Imperial Armies still lurk, but they too are attacked by this new alien race. Kormek now settles on Naboo on his off time with his beautiful wife Amelia Thane. Kormek also wants to train under Master Luke Skywalker, who believes he is Force Sensitive.