Krandon Rowella

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Krandon Rowella is a Zabrak born on the planet Iridonia. He lost his parents when he was really young to Jedi renegades who were escaping the Jedi Order and wanted to join the Sith factions. Krandon’s village was called Mor’bathi which means “Little homestead” in their native tongue. This was a place on knowledge, learning, hunting-gathering with the people living a simple, fulfilled lives. Krandon spent his young days in the fields helping his father and brother bring in the harvest to share with the village. He was harvesting as he usually did, except, when he returned to his village, he had found that a lot of the huts had been burnt. He immediately saw that the town were fighting off unknown beings, unknown beings with Lightsabers.

Krandon had never seen beings that used these types of weapons, but from stories that were past around the village, his first thought was that these were Jedi. But, how? Jedi were the bringers of peace, they help the Galaxy, now hurt it. Krandon could not understand what was happening. He rushed behind one of the huts and watch in horror as the Jedi killed his father, brother and mother. Krandon was alone. He proceeded to watch as the Jedi killed the villagers. Night had fallen and Krandon has to formulate a plan of escape without letting the attackers learn that there was a survivor.

This plan was foiled however when he ran into the back on one, being dark, Krandon did not see him. The Rogue Jedi and two of the other attackers began to chase Krandon. Krandon kept running until he came to a fence. Instinctively, Krandon leaped on the fence and proceeded to climb over it. When he was almost over the top, he heard the snap-hiss of one of the attacker’s lightsabers igniting. With a quick slash, Krandon’s hand was gone. He had never felt such pain. It was even more pain than that time he got attacked by a Kath hound. Krandon dropped on the other side of the fence and proceeded to look at the attackers with evil eyes. The attackers ran away, for reasons Krandon did not know. He ripped off a piece of his shirt to wrap up what was once where his hand was. He then found a cave, created a fire and lived there for a total of 4 days. On the morning of the fourth day, a young Rebel Officer named Dismal rescued Krandon and brought him to the Headquarters of the Rebel Squadrons. Here he was raised to hunt down and destroy Sith and Imperial Forces. Skilled in the ways of assassination, Krandon is using his skills to help the Rebel factions and hopes to one day become a fine officer within the ranks of the Rebel Squadron. When Dismal brought Krandon to the RS, Krandon had no idea what he was getting into, what he would do, or what he would accomplish from doing this. He wanted to help, by destroying those who killed is family, murdered his friends and destroyed his and their village. As Krandon started his training, he finally saw what it was like to be a rebel soldier, a young rebel officer to help the people. Now, 2nd Lieutenant.