Medal Identification Page

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Please find below the medals of the Rebel Squadrons, in order of precedence (from highest to lowest), which are:


Commendation Medals

Excellency of Service Tatooine Suns Distinguished Service Cross Kessel Cup Burdine Cluster
RSExServMedal.png RSTatooineSunsMedal.png RSDistServCrossMedal.png RSKesselCupMedal.png RSBurdineClusterMedal.png
Iridium Spire Alvace Star Dagger of Courage Citation of Victory Merit Commendation
RSIridiumSpireMedal.png RSAlvaceStarMedal.png RSDaggerCourageMedal.png RSCitVictoryMedal.png RSMeritCommMedal.png

Honorary Medals

Honorary Membership Medallion
RS hmrs.gif

Unit Commendation Medals

Organizational Excellence Award Valorous Unit Commendation Unit Commendation
RSOrgExcelMedal.png RSValorousUnitMedal.png RSUnitCommendMedal.png

Combat Medals

Coruscant Star of Valor New Republic Medal of Honor RS Righteous Indignation Cup RS Retribution Cup RS Renegade Cup
RSCoruscantStarMedal.png RSNewRepHonorMedal.png RSRighteousIndignationCup.png RSRetributionCup.png RSRenegadeCup.png
RS Patriot Cup RS Intrepid Cup RS Aurora Cup RS Allegiance Cup RS Redemption Cup
RSPatriotCup.png RSIntrepidCup.png RSAuroraCup.png RSAllegianceCup.png RSRedemptionCup.png
Alliance Dagger Greeop Defense Medal Vigilance Flying Cross Endor Victory Citation Tour Champion Award
RSAllianceDaggerMedal.png RSGreeopDefenseMedal.png RSVigilanceCrossMedal.png RSEndorVictoryMedal.png RSTourChampionMedal.png
Yavin Victory Citation Anchorhead Key Citation Dantooine Key Citation Flames of Courage Gallant Combat Citation
RSYavinVictoryMedal.png RSAnchorheadKeyMedal.png RSDantooineKeyMedal.png RSFlamesofCourageMedal.png RSGallantCitationMedal.png
Heroic Combat Citation Dauntless Combat Citation Valiance Combat Citation Operational Development Pin Tour of Duty Pin
RSHeroicCitationMedal.png RSDauntlessCitationMedal.png RSValianceCitationMedal.png RSOpDevelopmentMedal.png RSTourofDutyPinMedal.png
Beyond Belief Medal Violet Cluster
RSBeyondBeliefMedal.png RSVioletClusterMedal.png

Campaign Medals

Subterrel Campaign Medal Binaural Campaign Medal Cadrel Campaign Medal Minos Campaign Medal Blerthmore Vigilant's Medal
RSSubterrelMedal.png RSBinauralMedal.png RSCadrelMedal.png RSMinosMedal.png RSBlerthmoreMedal.png

Accomplishment Medals

Chief Supply Officer Award Recruiter's Medal of Honor RS Top Gun RS Top Squadron RS Mission Report Medal
RSDonationL4Medal.png RSARecruitMOHMedal.png RSTopGunMedal.png RSTopSquadMedal.png RSMisRepMedal.png
Senior Supply Officer Award High Game Master Patch Sim Marathon Medal Topachea Nabbirie Award
RSDonationL3Medal.png RSHgmPatch.png RSSimMaraMedal.png RSTopacheaMedal.png
Supply Officer Award Recruiting Excellency Medal Senior Game Master Patch Game Master Patch Junior Supply Officer Award
RSDonationL2Medal.png RSARecruitExcelMedal.png RSSgmPatch.png RSGmPatch.png RSDonationL1Medal.png
Assistant Game Master Patch Black Dice Badge Recruitment Citation Felix Felicitus Award RS Crapper Medal
RSAgmPatch.png RSBlackDiceMedal.png RSARecruitmentCitMedal.png RSFelixMedal.png RSCrapperMedal.png

Service Medals

25-Year Service Medal 24-Year Service Medal 23-Year Service Medal 22-Year Service Medal 21-Year Service Medal
RSYear25Medal.png RSYear24Medal.png RSYear23Medal.png RSYear22Medal.png RSYear21Medal.png
20-Year Service Medal 19-Year Service Medal 18-Year Service Medal 17-Year Service Medal 16-Year Service Medal
RSYear20Medal.png RSYear19Medal.png RSYear18Medal.png RSYear17Medal.png RSYear16Medal.png
15-Year Service Medal 14-Year Service Medal 13-Year Service Medal 12-Year Service Medal 11-Year Service Medal
RSYear15Medal.png RSYear14Medal.png RSYear13Medal.png RSYear12Medal.png RSYear11Medal.png
10-Year Service Medal 09-Year Service Medal 08-Year Service Medal 07-Year Service Medal 06-Year Service Medal
RSYear10Medal.png RSYear09Medal.png RSYear08Medal.png RSYear07Medal.png RSYear06Medal.png
05-Year Service Medal 04-Year Service Medal 03-Year Service Medal 02-Year Service Medal 01-Year Service Medal
RSYear05Medal.png RSYear04Medal.png RSYear03Medal.png RSYear02Medal.png RSYear01Medal50%.png

Graduation Medals

Beginner's Path Master's Award Beginner's Path Honors Award Beginner's Path Award
RSBeginnerMasterMedal.png RSBeginnerHonorsMedal.png RSBeginnerBasicMedal.png


Commendation Medals

RS Academy Medal of Honor OTS Award of Leadership RS Academy Internet Officer Citation OTS Iron Ribbon
RSAMedalHonorMedal.png RSAOTSLeadershipMedal.png RSAIOCitationMedal.png RSAOTSIronRibbonMedal.png

Accomplishment Medals

RS Academy Commander's Medal of Excellence RS Academy Command Staff Medal RS Academy Senior Staff Medal OTS Founder's Coin RS Academy Junior Staff Medal RS Academy Instructors Medal
RSACommanderMOEMedal.png RSACommandStaffMedal.png RSASeniorStaffMedal.png Otscoin.png RSAJuniorStaffMedal.png RSAInstructorMedal.png

Graduation Medals

OTS Platinum Medal OTS Golden Medal OTS Silver Ribbon OTS Bronze Ribbon
RSAOTSPlatinumMedalMedal.png RSAOTSGoldMedalMedal.png RSAOTSSilverRibbonMedal.png RSAOTSBronzeRibbonMedal.png
Master Cadet with Honors (Empire at War) Master Cadet with Honors (Simming) Master Cadet with Honors (TIE Fighter) Master Cadet with Honors (X-Wing Alliance) Master Cadet with Honors (X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter) Master Cadet with Honors (X-Wing)
RSAMCHEmpireAtWarMedal.png RSAMCHSimmingMedal.png RSAMCHTieFighterMedal.png RSAMCHXWAMedal.png RSAMCHXvTMedal.png RSAMCHXwingMedal.png
Senior Cadet Award (Empire at War) Senior Cadet Award (TIE Fighter) Senior Cadet Award (X-Wing Alliance) Senior Cadet Award (X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter) Senior Cadet Award (X-Wing)
RSASCEmpireAtWarMedal.png RSASCTieFighterMedal.png RSASCXWAMedal.png RSASCXvTMedal.png RSASCXwingMedal.png
Cadet Graduate Ribbon(Empire at War) Cadet Graduate Ribbon(TIE Fighter) Cadet Graduate Ribbon(X-Wing Alliance) Cadet Graduate Ribbon (X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter) Cadet Graduate Ribbon(X-Wing)
RSACGREmpireAtWarMedal.png RSACGRTieFighterMedal.png RSACGRXWAMedal.png RSACGRXvTMedal.png RSACGRXwingMedal.png