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From time to time, the RS recognizes particular members for certain types of service, achievements, successes, etc. The recognition is often in the form of medals.

Details of each award can be found below with their corresponding service ribbons. For images of the full scale medals, please see our Medal Identification Page. All medal and ribbon images were created by Major General Mike Bullian.

Medal Descriptions (RS-Wide)

Commendation Medals

  • RSMeritCommRibbon.png Level 2/Notable Contributions - Merit Commendation

-Awarded for a specific act of service that deserves notable praise.
-RSIO Assistance Medal should be phased out in favor of this medal.

  • RSCitVictoryRibbon.png Level 2/Notable Contributions - Citation of Victory

-Awarded for winning an internal Rebel Squadrons competition that does not involve Multi-Player gaming.

  • RSDaggerCourageRibbon.png Level 3/Significant Contributions - Dagger of Courage

-Awarded for the excellent performance of a member's duty or for good unit activity in a competition. The medal may be nominated by a Squadron Commander or higher ranked individual within the Chain of Command.
-Eye of the Jedi should be phased out in favor of this medal.

  • RSAlvaceStarRibbon.png Level 4/Exemplary Contributions - Alvace Star

-Awarded for exemplary efforts marked by a consistent and dedicated performance to a member's unit with activity over a period of time or through multiple competitions. The medal may be nominated by a Squadron Commander or higher ranked individual within the Chain of Command.
-Excellency of Duty should be phased out in favor of this medal

  • RSIridiumSpireRibbon.png Level 5/Remarkable Contributions - Iridium Spire

-Awarded for achievement in and/or contributions to a member's unit in areas meant to encourage competition and interaction between members. This award is meant for those who are acting as leaders or role models and assisting in the running of the RS, which is a step above merely excelling in activity in the RS. The medal may be nominated by a Platform Coordinator or higher ranked individual within the Chain of Command.

  • RSBurdineClusterRibbon.png Level 6/Extraordinary Contribution - Burdine Cluster

-Awarded for extraordinary contribution on the club-wide level. Such contributions could be but are not limited to the areas of instruction, invention, and mentorship which span across a whole club. The medal may be nominated by a Platform Coordinator or higher ranked individual within the Chain of Command.
-Unit Commander's Commendation should be phased out in favor of this medal

  • RSKesselCupRibbon.png Level 7/Outstanding Contribution - Kessel Cup

-Awarded to members who have, over a substantial period of time, given outstanding dedication, service and loyalty to their fleet or the Rebel Squadrons as a whole, enough so to stand out from the crowd. The medal may be nominated by a Platform Coordinator or higher ranked individual within the Chain of Command.
-Fleet Commander's Medal of Excellence should be phased out in favor of this medal.

  • RSDistServCrossRibbon.png Level 8/Tremendous Contribution - Distinguished Service Cross

-Awarded for the display of tremendous dedication to a member's given position. The member who receives this award goes above and beyond the call of duty in using their position for the benefit of the Rebel Squadrons, and defines the position for all who may hold it after them. The medal may be nominated by the Executive Officer or the Fleet Commander.

  • RSTatooineSunsRibbon.png Level 9/Extreme Contribution - Tatooine Suns

-Awarded to members who have displayed consistent loyalty and dedication over years of service. Recipients of this award have shown exceptional and innovative service in their position and their service has changed the RS. The medal may only be awarded to a member once, and may only be nominated and awarded by the Executive Officer or the Fleet Commander.

  • RSExServRibbon.png Level 10/Godlike Contribution - Excellency of Service

-This is the most prestigious award that the Rebel Squadrons can bestow on a member. It is awarded to a member who has exceeded the "going above and beyond the call of duty." The recipient of this award has made a huge impression and a lasting contribution to the betterment of the Rebel Squadrons, typically over years of dedicated service. This medal is only nominated and awarded on extremely rare occasions, and only with the direct approval of the Fleet Commander, or majority vote by the High Command.

Honorary Medals

  • Level 10/Honored Members - Honorary Membership Medallion

-Awarded in recognition of honorary membership in the Rebel Squadrons.

Unit Commendation Medals

  • RSOrgExcelRibbon.png Level 6/Remarkable Organizational Achievement - Organizational Excellence Award

-Awarded to recognize remarkable achievements and accomplishments of Rebel Squadrons organizations or activities not directly associated with a particular squadron or similar group.

  • RSUnitCommendRibbon.png Level 6/Extraordinary Unit Achievement - Unit Commendation

-Awarded to a Rebel Squadrons group for distinguishing itself through extraordinary achievement or accomplishment, compared to other groups performing similar service. The medal may be nominated by a Platform Coordinator or higher ranked individual within the chain of command.

  • RSValorousUnitRibbon.png Level 7/Outstanding Unit Achievement - Valorous Unit Commendation

-Awarded to a Rebel Squadrons group for distinguishing itself through outstanding achievement or accomplishment in such a way as to merit higher than a Unit Commendation, compared to other similar groups performing similar service. The medal may be nominated by a Platform Coordinator or higher ranked individual within the chain of command.

ITOD Combat

  • RSVioletClusterRibbon.png Level 0/Unsuccesful Participation - Violet Cluster

-Awarded to those wounded in combat.

  • RSTourofDutyPinRibbon.png Level 1/Automatic - Tour of Duty Pin

-This medal is granted to everyone who participates in a particular Interactive Tour of Duty or similar event. This medal is issued regardless of other medals for the same event.

  • RSBeyondBeliefRibbon.png Level 2/Notable Performance - Beyond Belief Medal

-Awarded only to pilots who actually follow orders. A rare occurance among pilots serving the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSDauntlessCitationRibbon.png Level 3/Significant Participation - Dauntless Combat Citation

-Awarded for significant activity within an Interactive Tour of Duty or similar event. This signifies the recipient has submitted 33% or more of the total event missions on time.

  • RSGallantCitationRibbon.png Level 4/Exemplary Participation - Gallant Combat Citation

-Awarded for exemplary activity within an Interactive Tour of Duty or similar event. This signifies the recipient has submitted 66% or more of the total event missions on time. This medal is awarded to the recipient to the exclusion of the lesser ITOD citation for the same event.

  • RSFlamesofCourageRibbon.png Level 4/Exemplary Performance - Flames of Courage

-Awarded for finding a way out of a very dire situation and making it home alive.

  • RSDantooineKeyRibbon.png Level 5/Remarkable Participation - Dantooine Key Citation

-Awarded for remarkable activity within an Interactive Tour of Duty or similar event. This signifies the recipient has submitted 100% of the total event missions, all on time. This medal is awarded to the recipient to the exclusion of lesser ITOD citations for the same event.

  • NoRibbon.PNG Level 5/Remarkable Performance - RS Allegiance Cup

-Awarded to the member with the most simming activity in a given reporting period.

  • NoRibbon.PNG Level 5/Remarkable Performance - RS Aurora Cup

-Awarded to the member with the best piece of RS Fiction in a given reporting period.

  • NoRibbon.PNG Level 5/Remarkable Performance - RS Intrepid Cup

-Awarded to the member with the highest X-Wing Alliance mission score in RS-Wide Competition.

  • NoRibbon.PNG Level 5/Remarkable Performance - RS Patriot Cup

-Awarded to the member with the highest X-Wing mission score in RS-Wide Competition.

  • NoRibbon.PNG Level 5/Remarkable Performance - RS Redemption Cup

-Awarded to the member with the most miscellaneous (non-platform specific) activity in a given reporting period.

  • NoRibbon.PNG Level 5/Remarkable Performance - RS Renegade Cup

-Awarded to the member with the highest X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter mission score in RS-Wide Competition.

  • NoRibbon.PNG Level 5/Remarkable Performance - RS Retribution Cup

-Awarded to the member with the highest TIE Fighter mission score in RS-Wide Competition.

  • NoRibbon.PNG Level 5/Remarkable Performance - RS Righteous Indignation Cup

-Awarded to the member with the highest Empire at War mission score in RS-Wide Competition.

  • RSYavinVictoryRibbon.png Level 6/Extraordinary Participation - Yavin Victory Citation

-Awarded for extraordinary activity within an Interactive Tour of Duty or similar event. This signifies that the recipient submitted 100% of the total event missions with a substantial number of qualified narratives, all on time. This medal is awarded to the recipient to the exclusion of lesser ITOD citations for the same event.

  • RSVigilanceCrossRibbon.png Level 7/Outstanding Performance - Vigilance Flying Cross

-Awarded on the occasion of an RS member accomplishing what may be considered as extremely difficult or impossible in a Tour mission or similar event.

  • RSGreeopDefenseRibbon.png Level 7/Outstanding Participation & Performance - Greeop Defense Medal

-Awarded for outstanding activity within an Interactive Tour of Duty or similar event. This signifies that the recipient submitted 100% of the total event missions with a substantial number of qualified narratives on time, and showed exemplary skill during of a Tour of Duty by achieving the first, second or third highest total event score & kills. This medal is awarded to the recipient to the exclusion of lesser ITOD citations for the same event.

  • RSTourChampionRibbon.png Level 7/Extraordinary Performance - Tour Champion Award

-Awarded for extraordinary accomplishment within an Interactive Tour of Duty or similar event. This signifies that the recipient has showed the most skill during of a Tour of Duty by achieving the highest total event score. This medal may be jointly awarded to the recipient with an ITOD citation of a lesser or equal level for the same event.

  • RSNewRepHonorRibbon.png Level 8/Tremendous Performance - New Republic Medal of Honor

-Awarded for tremendous performance within an ITOD event. This signifies that the recipient submitted 100% of the total event missions with a substantial number of qualified narratives, has the highest number of total kills or similar criteria within the event, and has the highest total score in the event. This medal is awarded to the recipient to the exclusion of lesser citations for the same instance of an event and may only be awarded once for a particular type of event.

  • RSCoruscantStarRibbon.png Level 9/Exceptional Participation & Performance - Coruscant Star of Valor

-Awarded for extreme performance in single and/or multi player combat over substantial period of time. This medal signifies that the recipient has exceeded the criteria for the Medal of Honor numerous times and has distinguished himself as superior to others in combat. The medal may only be awarded to a member once, and may only be nominated and awarded by the RS Executive Officer or the RS Fleet Commander.

Multiplayer Combat

  • RSVioletClusterRibbon.png Level 0/Unsuccessful Participation - Violet Cluster

-Awarded to those wounded in MP combat.

  • RSOpDevelopmentRibbon.png Level 1/Automatic - Operational Development Pin

-This medal is granted to everyone who participates in a particular multiplayer online event against other clubs/clans. This medal is issued regardless of other medals for the same event.

  • RSValianceCitationRibbon.png Level 3/Significant Participation - Valiance Combat Citation

-Awarded for significant activity within a multiplayer online event. This signifies the recipient has played enough matches to equal one hour or more of actual gaming time within the event.

  • RSHeroicCitationRibbon.png Level 4/Exemplary Participation - Heroic Combat Citation

-Awarded for exemplary activity within a multiplayer online event. This signifies the recipient has played enough matches to equal two hours or more of actual gaming time within the event. This medal is awarded to the recipient to the exclusion of the lesser multiplayer citation for the same instance of an event.
-Renamed from Combat Medal

  • RSAnchorheadKeyRibbon.png Level 5/Remarkable Participation - Anchorhead Key Citation

-Awarded for remarkable activity within a multiplayer online event. This signifies the recipient has played enough matches to equal four hours or more of actual gaming time within the event. This medal is awarded to the recipient to the exclusion of lesser multiplayer citations for the same instance of an event.

  • RSEndorVictoryRibbon.png Level 6/Extraordinary Participation & Performance - Endor Victory Citation

-Awarded for extraordinary activity and performance within a multiplayer online event. This signifies the recipient has played enough matches to equal seven hours or more of actual gaming time within the event, (approximately 15-20 matches depending on the gaming platform), and has won at least 25% of his/her event games. This medal is awarded to the recipient to the exclusion of lesser multiplayer citations for the same instance of an event.

  • RSAllianceDaggerRibbon.png Level 7/Outstanding Participation & Performance - Alliance Dagger

-Awarded for outstanding activity and performance within a multiplayer online event. This signifies the recipient has played enough matches to equal fourteen hours or more of actual gaming time within the event, (approximately 20-30 matches depending on the gaming platform), and has won at least 35% of his/her event games. This medal is awarded to the recipient to the exclusion of lesser multiplayer citations for the same instance of an event.

  • RSNewRepHonorRibbon.png Level 8/Tremendous Activity & Performance - New Republic Medal of Honor

-Awarded for tremendous activity and performance within a multiplayer event. This signifies the recipient has played enough matches exceeding fourteen hours or more of actual gaming time within the event, (approximately 30-40 matches depending on the gaming platform), has won most of his/her event games, and has placed in the top 10% of the event. This medal is awarded to the recipient to the exclusion of lesser citations for the same instance of an event and may only be awarded once for a particular type of event.

  • RSCoruscantStarRibbon.png Level 9/Exceptional Participation & Performance - Coruscant Star of Valor

-Awarded for extreme performance in single and/or multi player combat over substantial period of time. This medal signifies that the recipient has exceeded the criteria for the Medal of Honor numerous times and has distinguished himself as superior to others in combat. The medal may only be awarded to a member once, and may only be nominated and awarded by the RS Executive Officer or the RS Fleet Commander.

Campaign Medals

Campaign Medals may be created from time to time to commemorate participation in large or highly important one-time events. Campaign Medals are always Level 2. If no Campaign Medal is created for a particular event, then a Tour of Duty Pin or Operational Development Pin (whichever is applicable) should be issued, with the description mentioning the event for which it is being awarded.

  • RSMinosRibbon.png Level 2/Campaign Medal - Minos Campaign Medal

-A commemorative citation belatedly awarded to the pilots and commandos of the Rebel Squadrons that participated in combat operations of the Minos Cluster Conflict.

  • RSCadrelRibbon.png Level 2/Campaign Medal - Cadrel Campaign Medal

-A commemorative citation awarded to the pilots and commandos of the Rebel Squadrons that participated in combat operations of the Cadrel Expanse Conflict.

  • RSBinauralRibbon.png Level 2/Campaign Medal - Binaural Campaign Medal

-A commemorative citation awarded to the pilots and commandos of the Rebel Squadrons that participated in combat operations of the Binaural Sector Conflict.

  • RSSubterrelRibbon.png Level 2/Campaign Medal - Subterrel Campaign Medal

-A commemorative citation awarded to the pilots and commandos of the Rebel Squadrons that participated in combat operations of the Subterrel Sector Conflict.

  • RSBlerthmoreRibbon.png Level 2/Campaign Medal - Blerthmore Vigilant's Medal

-A commemorative citation awarded to the pilots and commandos of the Rebel Squadrons that participated in the desperate fight against the Imperial Fleet at the planet Blerthmore.

Service Medals

All the service medals should be awarded as the individual,
crosses the particular milestone associated with the medal.
Service medals are successive and only the latest medal will
appear in each Member's Profile and on the uniform page.
i.e., if you have a 7-Year Service Medal, it means you already
earned the first six. Also, this is the only RS-Wide Medal
that is "self-nominating" because so many of our Members
joined before the use of the Profile DB and only those Members
know for certain when they joined the Rebel Squadrons. However,
any Member can nominate another Member if they know the join date.
  • RSYear01Ribbon.png Level 1 Membership - 1-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of one year of active service to the Rebel Squadrons. '

  • RSYear02Ribbon.png Level 2 Membership - 2-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of two years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear03Ribbon.png Level 3 Membership- 3-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of three years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear04Ribbon.png Level 4 Membership - 4-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of four years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear05Ribbon.png Level 5 Membership - 5-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of five years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear06Ribbon.png Level 6 Membership - 6-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of six years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear07Ribbon.png Level 7 Membership - 7-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of seven years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear08Ribbon.png Level 8 Membership - 8-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of eight years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear09Ribbon.png Level 9 Membership - 9-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of nine years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear10Ribbon.png Level 10 Membership - 10-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of ten years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear11Ribbon.png Level 11 Membership - 11-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of eleven years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear12Ribbon.png Level 12 Membership - 12-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of twelve years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear13Ribbon.png Level 13 Membership - 13-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of thirteen years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear14Ribbon.png Level 14 Membership - 14-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of fourteen years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear15Ribbon.png Level 15 Membership - 15-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of fifteen years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear16Ribbon.png Level 16 Membership - 16-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of sixteen years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear17Ribbon.png Level 17 Membership - 17-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of seventeen years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear18Ribbon.png Level 18 Membership - 18-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of eighteen years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear19Ribbon.png Level 19 Membership - 19-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of nineteen years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons.

  • RSYear20Ribbon.png Level 20 Membership - 20-Year Service Medal

-Awarded in recognition of twenty years of active service to the Rebel Squadrons. Medals will continue to progress after this year-by-year.

Graduation Medals

  • RSBeginnerBasicRibbon.png Level 1/First Graduation Level - Beginner's Path Award

-Awarded for earning 10 points on the Beginner's Path. Accompanied by the recipient also receiving a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade.

  • RSBeginnerHonorsRibbon.png Level 2/Second Graduation Level - Beginner's Path Honors Award

-Awarded for earning 20 points on the Beginner's Path. Accompanied by the recipient also receiving a promotion to Second Lieutenant.

  • RSBeginnerMasterRibbon.png Level 3/Final Graduation Level - Beginner's Path Master's Award

-Awarded for earning 30 points on the Beginner's Path.

Accomplishment Medals

  • RSCrapperRibbon.png Level 0/Reprimand - RS Crapper Medal

-This medal is awarded to anyone who manage to 'reach' a negative score in a single or multi-player game within an activity period, or makes an exceptionally bad decision in a sim. The polite translation of the meaning of this medal is "Please try to do better next time".

  • RSFelixRibbon.png Level 2/Notable Achievement - Felix Felicitus Award

-Awarded to a member who benefits from unbelievable luck during the course of a mission.

  • RSARecruitmentCitRibbon.png Level 2/Notable Achievement - Recruitment Citation

-Awarded for spontaneous efforts in advertising the RS and recruiting members. Can be nominated by any member, awardable by Squadron Commanding Officers or the RO.

  • RSBlackDiceRibbon.png Level 2/Notable Achievement - Black Dice Badge

-Awarded for an extremely inventive, funny, or entertaining post(s).

  • RSAgmPatchRibbon.png Level 2/Notable Achievement - Assistant Game Master Patch

-Holders of this patch are certified assistant Game Masters within the RS.

  • RSDonationL1Ribbon.png Level 2/Notable Achievement - Junior Supply Officer Award

-Awarded to contributors who have donated up to $199 to the RS during their membership.

  • RSGmPatchRibbon.png Level 3/Significant Achievement - Game Master Patch

-Holders of this patch are certified Game Masters within the RS.

  • RSSgmPatchRibbon.png Level 4/Exemplary Achievement - Senior Game Master Patch

-Holders of this patch are certified Senior Game Masters within the RS.

  • RSARecruitExcelRibbon.png Level 4/Exemplary Achievement - Recruiting Excellency Medal

-Awarded for continuous efforts in advertising the RS and/or recruiting members. Can be nominated by any member, but awardable only by the RSCS or the RO.

  • RSDonationL2Ribbon.png Level 4/Exemplary Achievement - Supply Officer Award

-Awarded to contributors who have donated between $200 and $499 to the RS during their membership.

  • RSTopacheaRibbon.png Level 5/Remarkable Achievement - Topachea Nabbirie Award

-The Topachea Nabbirie Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence is awarded in honor of Topachea "T" Nabbirie, who, at the Rank of Brigadier General, in the month of November, 2002, scored over 1 million points on the RgF Sub for Mission 206 (Aedis 102). It is awarded to a pilot who exploits a mission mistake to his own benefit without technically cheating. It is also awarded to a pilot who takes the time to fly the Aedis 102 mission and get a score greater than 1 million. This award is given by the XvT Platform Coordination staff, by consensus, to a pilot who dares to follow in the brave and enthusiastic footsteps of "T".

  • RSSimMaraRibbon.png Level 5/Remarkable Achievement - Sim Marathon Medal

-Awarded to "Hardcore Simmers" who survive 12 hours in a Sim Marathon.

  • RSHgmPatchRibbon.png Level 5/Remarkable Achievement - High Game Master Patch

-The High GM is responsible for regulating all activities including but not limited to: sim campaign plots, timelines, new characters and races, obtaining of weapons, ships, or other items. Also determines how the game will be played by maintaining the manual and other informative pages.

  • RSDonationL3Ribbon.png Level 6/Extraordinary Achievement - Senior Supply Officer Award

-Awarded to contributors who have donated between $500 and $999 to the RS during their membership.

  • RSTopSquadRibbon.png Level 6/Extraordinary Achievement - RS Top Squadron

-Awarded to the Squadron with the highest number of activity points for a given activity period.

  • RSTopGunRibbon.png Level 6/Extraordinary Achievement - RS Top Gun

-Awarded to the member with the highest number of activity points for a given activity period.

  • RSMisRepRibbon.png Level 6/Extraordinary Achievement - RS Mission Report Medal

-The Mission Report Medal is awarded to the RSer with the best mission narrative for an activity period.

  • RSARecruitMOHRibbon.png Level 7/Outstanding Achievement - Recruiter's Medal of Honor

-For assistance in establishing new alliances to the RS, or recruiting a substantial amount of members to the RS throughout their career. Can be nominated only by the RSCS and awarded only by the RSFC.

  • RSDonationL4Ribbon.png Level 10/Godlike Achievement - Chief Supply Officer Award

-Awarded to contributors who have donated more than $1000 to the RS during their membership.

Medal Descriptions (Academy)

Commendation Medals

  • RSAOTSIronRibbonRibbon.png Level 1/Insufficient Contribution - OTS Iron Ribbon

-For taking up the OTS course, without passing any sections of it.

  • RSAIOCitationRibbon.png Level 2/Notable Contribution - RS Academy Internet Officer Citation

-Awarded to new members still on the Academy roster for helping the Internet Office or actively updating/expanding the RS Wiki.

  • RSAOTSLeadershipRibbon.png Level 4/Exemplary Contribution - OTS Award Of Leadership

-May be awarded to any graduate or staff member of the OTS who has shown great leadership skills. May be nominated by anyone, but may be awarded only by the Commanding Officer of the OTS.

  • RSAMedalHonorRibbon.png Level 8/Tremendous Contribution - RS Academy Medal of Honor

-This medal is awarded by the RS Academy CO for contributions above and beyond the call of duty to the RS Academy. Honorary membership in the Academy is also awarded to recipients of this medal.

Graduation Medals

  • RSACGRXwingRibbon.png Level 1/First Combat Graduation Level - Cadet Graduate Ribbon (X-Wing)

-Awarded to cadets who have completed the basic requirements in X-Wing Academy.

  • RSACGRXWARibbon.png Level 1/First Combat Graduation Level - Cadet Graduate Ribbon (X-Wing Alliance)

-Awarded to cadets who have completed the basic requirements in X-Wing Alliance Academy.

  • RSACGRXvTRibbon.png Level 1/First Combat Graduation Level - Cadet Graduate Ribbon (X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter)

-Awarded to cadets who have completed the basic requirements in X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Academy.

  • RSACGRTieFighterRibbon.png Level 1/First Combat Graduation Level - Cadet Graduate Ribbon (TIE Fighter)

-Awarded to cadets who have completed the basic requirements in TIE Fighter Academy.

  • RSACGREmpireAtWarRibbon.png Level 1/First Combat Graduation Level - Cadet Graduate Ribbon (Empire at War)

-Awarded to cadets who have completed the basic requirements in Empire at War Academy.

  • RSAOTSBronzeRibbonRibbon.png Level 1/First Leadership Graduation Level - OTS Bronze Ribbon

-For reaching at least 80% on the Officer's Training School Unit I.

  • XvTED Level 1 Ribbon.png Level 1/First Tactical Graduation Level - XvTED Academy - Level 1

-Awarded for successful completion of the XvTED Academy course Level 1.

  • RSASCXwingRibbon.png Level 2/Second Combat Graduation Level - Senior Cadet Award (X-Wing)

-Awarded to cadets who have completed the advanced requirements in X-Wing Academy. This award will replace the Cadet Graduate Ribbon.

  • RSASCXWARibbon.png Level 2/Second Combat Graduation Level - Senior Cadet Award (X-Wing Alliance)

-Awarded to cadets who have completed the advanced requirements in X-Wing Alliance Academy. This award will replace the Cadet Graduate Ribbon.

  • RSASCXvTRibbon.png Level 2/Second Combat Graduation Level - Senior Cadet Award (X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter)

-Awarded to cadets who have completed the advanced requirements in X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Academy. This award will replace the Cadet Graduate Ribbon.

  • RSASCTieFighterRibbon.png Level 2/Second Combat Graduation Level - Senior Cadet Award (TIE Fighter)

-Awarded to cadets who have completed the advanced requirements in TIE Fighter Academy. This award will replace the Cadet Graduate Ribbon.

  • RSASCEmpireAtWarRibbon.png Level 2/Second Combat Graduation Level - Senior Cadet Award (Empire at War)

-Awarded to cadets who have completed the advanced requirements in Empire at War Academy. This award will replace the Cadet Graduate Ribbon.

  • RSAOTSSilverRibbonRibbon.png Level 2/Second Leadership Graduation Level - OTS Silver Ribbon

-For reaching at least 80% on the Officer's Training School Unit I and II. This award replaces any lesser one already earned through the course.

  • XvTED Level 2 Ribbon.png Level 2/Second Tactical Graduation Level - XvTED Academy - Level 2

-Awarded for successful completion of the XvTED Academy course Level 2.

  • RSAMCHXwingRibbon.png Level 3/Final Combat Graduation Level - Master Cadet with Honors (X-Wing)

-Awarded to cadets that have finished all of their requirements of the X-Wing Academy with exemplary service and hard work. This award will replace the Senior Cadet Award.

  • RSAMCHXWARibbon.png Level 3/Final Combat Graduation Level - Master Cadet with Honors (X-Wing Alliance)

-Awarded to cadets that have finished all of their requirements of the X-Wing Alliance Academy with exemplary service and hard work. This award will replace the Senior Cadet Award.

  • RSAMCHXvTRibbon.png Level 3/Final Combat Graduation Level - Master Cadet with Honors (X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter)

-Awarded to cadets that have finished all of their requirements of the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Academy with exemplary service and hard work. This award will replace the Senior Cadet Award.

  • RSAMCHTieFighterRibbon.png Level 3/Final Combat Graduation Level - Master Cadet with Honors (TIE Fighter)

-Awarded to cadets that have finished all of their requirements of the TIE Fighter Academy with exemplary service and hard work. This award will replace the Senior Cadet Award.

  • RSAMCHEmpireAtWarRibbon.png Level 3/Final Combat Graduation Level - Master Cadet with Honors (Empire at War)

-Awarded to cadets that have finished all of their requirements of the Empire at War Academy with exemplary service and hard work. This award will replace the Senior Cadet Award.

  • RSAMCHSimmingRibbon.png Level 3/Final Combat Graduation Level - Master Cadet with Honors (Simming)

-Awarded to cadets that have finished all of their requirements of the Simming Academy with exemplary service and hard work. This award will replace the Senior Cadet Award.

  • RSAOTSGoldMedalRibbon.png Level 3/Third Leadership Graduation Level - OTS Golden Medal

-For reaching at least 80% on the Officer's Training School Unit I, II and III. This award replaces any lesser one already earned through the course.

  • XvTED Level 3 Ribbon CB.png Level 3/Third Tactical Graduation Level - XvTED Academy - Level 3 C/B

-Awarded for successful completion of the XvTED Academy course Level 3 Combat/Battle.

  • RSAOTSPlatinumMedalRibbon.png Level 4/Fourth Leadership Graduation Level - OTS Platinum Medal

-For reaching at least 95% on the Officer's Training School Unit I, II and III. This award replaces any lesser one already earned through the course.

  • XvTED Level 3 Ribbon MT.png Level 4/Fourth Tactical Graduation Level - XvTED Academy - Level 3 M/T

-Awarded for successful completion of the XvTED Academy course Level 3 Melee/Tournament.

  • XvTED Level 3 Ribbon TC.png Level 5/Final Tactical Graduation Level - XvTED Academy - Level 3 T/C

-Awarded for successful completion of the XvTED Academy course Level 3 Train/Campaign.

Accomplishment Medals

  • RSAInstructorRibbon.png Level 2/Notable Accomplishment - RS Academy Instructors Medal

-Awarded for outstanding service as an Instructor in any department in the RS Academy. Awarded only by RS Academy CO, XO or any department CO, XO.

  • RSAJuniorStaffRibbon.png Level 3/Significant Accomplishment - RS Academy Junior Staff Medal

-Awarded to Undergraduate XOs, SOs, flight instructors, or any other officer filling a junior staff position for outstanding service on the junior level of the RS Academy staff. Awarded only by RS Academy CO or any department CO.

  • RSAOTSFounderCoinRibbon.png Level 4/Exemplary Accomplishment - OTS Founder's Coin

-Awarded to the officers who helped creating the reborn Officer Training School, a great project which started in 2008 and reached completion in 2012. The recipients of this award are not eligible for any other OTS Graduation or Commendation medals.

  • RSASeniorStaffRibbon.png Level 4/Exemplary Accomplishment - RS Academy Senior Staff Medal

-Awarded to RS Academy department XOs, SOs, or Undergraduate COs for outstanding service on the senior level of the RS Academy staff. Awarded by only the RS Academy CO.

  • RSACommandStaffRibbon.png Level 5/Remarkable Accomplishment - RS Academy Command Staff Medal

-Awarded to RS Academy XO, SO, IO, or any department CO for outstanding service on the command level of the RS Academy. Awarded only by the RS Academy CO.

  • RSACommanderMOERibbon.png Level 6/Extraordinary Accomplishment - RS Academy Commander's Medal of Excellence

-For outstanding service on behalf of the Rebel Squadrons Academy. Awarded only by the RS Academy CO.

General Comments

Order of Precedence

The order of precedence of is determined first the level of the medal (Levels 1- 9) and then by its category. If two different medals are worn from the same level and category, the one worn for longer comes before the newer one. The following list indicates the order of precedence by category:

  1. Commendation
  2. Honorary
  3. Unit Commendation
  4. Combat
  5. Campaign Medals
  6. Accomplishment
  7. Service
  8. Graduation
  9. Academy Medals

Note: Former Fleet Medals are not shown on the Uniform, hence they are not included in the Order of Precedence. Academy Medals are always worn after the last RS-Wide ribbon (e.g. if a member's last RS-Wide medal is the Violet Cluster, and has 3 graduation and 1 commendation medals from the Academy, the 4 Academy medals come after the VC, but in their own Order of Precedence).

Retired Medals

Any RS-Wide medals not mentioned here, or listed as being phased out should still be available for viewing within a segregated and un-issuable area, with brief statements about which medals to use instead.

The following list of medals are retired:

  • Eye of the Jedi
  • RSIO Assistance Medal
  • Golden Eyes
  • Unit Commander's Commendation
  • Fleet Commander's Medal of Excellence

Rules for MP Combat Medals

1. The multiplayer medals are not applicable for ongoing events such as ITOD's, ladders or weekly reoccurring competitions.

2. The Citations are awarded to the recipient based on their number of standard gaming hours within the competition and the outcome of the matches. Each group that supports a multiplayer game within an interclub/clan competition shall establish how many minutes each match is worth. In order to determine the standard gaming hours, take standard match length and multiply that by the number of matches played by the individual.

3. With the MP combat medals being based on standardize time of play, the Fleet Commander gives authority to the Medal Officer to make guidelines and have final approval for the number of minutes which a match equals. This should be based on the game in question, and the type of gameplay on that game. Fleet CO's will use the MO's guidelines to create a proposal for each game and gameplay type. The Medal Officer will either approve the proposal, or request more information or adjustments. No medals may be issued for a particular game and gameplay type until the Medal Officer approves the number of minutes applied to each match.

Possible Examples of Standard Match Lengths:

Empire at War                   20 min
Battlefront Match               30 min
Battlefront II Conquest Match   30 min
Battlefront II 2-CTF Match      30 min
X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter Match    10 min
X-Wing Alliance Match           10 min
Jedi Academy or Outcast         10 min

Example of application: If a person plays 10 matches in a week long Battlefront II Conquest competition event, they are assumed to have played five hours and are eligible for the appropriate award medal. Win/loss will also be factored in as appropriate.

4. The Violet Cluster is a special medal awarded to members who suffer grievous losses in MP combat. It is awarded in addition to other medals that the member may qualify for. The suggested qualifications for a Violet Cluster awarding are at least 3 losses and a winning percentage no greater than 24% in a single event. Hence, 0-3 or 1-4 would qualify, but 1-3 would not.

Operations Manual Changes

"In the Rebel Squadrons, you may find yourself being recognized for your efforts with a medal or award. Medals and awards fall into two categories: RS-Wide and Academy. Both type of medals will show up in the listing of medals which is stored in your RS Roster Profile. RS-Wide medals also show up on your Uniform, which is accessible from your RS Roster Profile. For an example, see the profile of former Fleet Commander, ADM Rahj Tharen.

"Any member of the Rebel Squadrons can nominate any member for an RS-Wide medal, except when otherwise specified by the medal description.

"The Fleet Commander is responsible to evaluate each RS-Wide medal nomination, either directly or through an authorized executive staff member (such as the RS XO or the Medal Officer). This evaluation includes consulting the necessary parties and determining the merit of the nomination. If the nomination is warranted, the medal is awarded by the Fleet Commander or authorized executive staff member. If not warranted, the nomination is rejected. Some high medals may have restrictions as to who may award them. Also, as a body, the High Command may evaluate a nomination, determine its merit and award or reject it.

"Club awards in the Rebel Squadrons are divided into several categories, listed here in importance from least to greatest: Graduation, Service, Accomplishment, Campaign, Combat, Unit Commendation, Honorary, and Commendation. Combat Medals are divided into two subcategories, with the latter being greater: ITOD Medals and Multiplayer Medals. Additionally, each medal is assigned to a level, which is used to establish its ranking within the category and its overall importance. Below, each category and medal is listed in category rank order.

In addition, the remainder of that Ops webpage should be updated per the medals in this proposal.

Additional Considerations


New uniforms were created along with new graphical representations of the medals. The uniforms display ribbons for the medals, rather than the medals themselves. Along with this, we also revised the rank and position badges as well. Additional trinkets, like squadron patches and the like, might be something to look into developing.


The first medals were developed in the collaborative effort of Greedo 96 and Super in 1997. These first medals formed the foundation of a new club wide system for rewarding the work of the RS membership. Some of the medals had no practical use at the time but were created for future use, such as the Violet Cluster. The evolution of the medal system continues to current times. Although most of the original medals are still in use, the whole medal system has vastly expanded and evolved well beyond the original set up as each successive generation improves upon the previous.