Michael Duran

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Born on the Zhar system, Michael Duran was brought up around shipyards and shipping lanes. He quickly learned much about spaceflight and engineering, eventually getting the notice of an imperial officer during a race, who recommended him for the Imperial Academy. After attending the academy for 2 years, Michael was approached by a classmate who'd learned of a contact with the rebellion. At this point, Michael was aware of the atrocities committed by the Empire and ready to leave. Him and his friend quickly crafted a plan to leave, but unfortunately, the plan was intercepted and Imperials came to apprehend the pair. His friend surrendered, but Michael was not so easily thwarted. He was able to catch the troops off gaurd, and quickly struck and left. He made it to a hangar bay and was able to gain passage on the Corellian Transport Sabra to the Calamari Cruiser Liberty. Quickly taking an oath of allegiance, he was immediately drafted into service and months later, flew Red Squadron 10 in the battle of Endor.He eventually modified his X-wing, naming it the Phoenix Fury, and played a hand in the 'forced dismantling' of a Research Facility near the Maw. He then transferred to Rebel Squadron's Vigilance Fleet and now flies Dragon Squadron 4. Duran was recently promoted to 1LT for acts of merit during a mission to capture TIE Fighters from an imperial convoy


Michael Duran is a dogfighter. Ambitious and inventive, he relies heavily on improvised tactics and less on calculated plans