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KDY EF76-B Nebulon-class escort frigate
Production information
Class EF76-B Nebulon-class escort frigate
Technical specifications
Length 300 meters
Width 72 meters
Height/depth 166 meters
Maximum acceleration 1200 g
Maximum speed (space) 12 mglt
Maximum speed (atmosphere) 800 km/h
Engine unit(s) Kuat Galaxy-15 ion engines (7)
Hyperdrive rating

  • Class 2
  • Backup Class 12
Shielding 2,560 SBD
Hull 1520 RU

  • Taim & Bak XI7 turbolasers (12)
  • Borstel RH8 laser cannons (12)
  • Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors (2)

  • Starfighters (24)
  • Several Grek-class troop shuttles
  • Several Katarn-class boarding shuttles

  • Crew (920)
    • Officers (77)
    • Enlisted (773)
    • Gunners (66)
Minimum crew 307
Passengers 75 troops
Cargo capacity 6,000 metric tons
Consumables 2 years

  • Frigate
Earliest sighting PBF 406
Latest sighting PBF 410
Present for battles/events
  • PBF 406
  • PBF 409
  • PBF 410
  • Affiliation White Guard

    White Guard vessel.


    Led White Guard forces against Republic Shield forces onboard the captured Frigate Despoiler II after the corvette group Scorpion initiated the conflict by assaulting the Despoiler II. The vessel and its forces attempted to prevent the escape of the forces onboard the Despoiler II, but was thwarted by Republic Shield reinforcements led by the Frigate Rebel Vengeance, who cut between the Minotaur and the Despoiler II. Was unable to prevent Republic Shield and Imperial survivors from escaping the combat zone, but did attain significant victory. (PBF406)

    Reinforced White Guard forces led by the Frigate Unforgiver in an assault against Republic Shield command ship, the Calamari Cruiser Windstorm. Joined the battle, with White Guard forces from the vessel helping bring down the Windstorm’s shields, but expert manoeuvring of the Frigate Echo Hawk prevented the Windstorm from being accessed easily, and allowed the command ship to escape from the engagement. Was unable to prevent the Frigate Unforgiver from being destroyed by Republic Shield forces, reinforced by the Frigate Rebel Vengeance. The Minotaur’s shield systems were seriously damaged in the battle, and the vessel was forced to withdraw from the engagement, to rendezvous with the Calamari Cruiser White Dragon. Sustained serious damage from the battle, with deflector shield systems completely offline until shield generator replaced. (PBF409)

    Stationed with White Guard main fleet stationed in the Enomea Rim when attacked by Republic Shield forces led by the Calamari Cruiser Valour. Lacked deflector shield protection due to battle damage sustained in the previous engagement. Disabled by Republic Shield forces, and captured by commandos from the transport Katarn. (PBF410)


    Behind the Scenes

    This ship was originally named the Courageous, which is a name used by an Imperial Star Destroyer in Official Continuity. Retroactively renamed by the Logistics Office.

    External Links