
Revision as of 21:12, 31 July 2007 by Michael Raven (talk | contribs) (Fixed to reflect change in command)
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Victory II-class Star Destroyer.jpg
Production information
Class Rendili StarDrive Victory II-class Star Destroyer
Technical specifications
Length 900 meters
Width 578 meters
Height/depth 248 meters
Maximum speed (space) 10 mglt
Engine unit(s) LF9 ion engines (3)
Hyperdrive rating

  • Class 1
  • Backup Class 15
Power plant Hypermatter reactor
Shielding 2880+1440 SBD
Hull 1360 RU

  • Turbolaser batteries (20)
  • Double turbolaser batteries (20)
  • Ion cannons (10)
  • Tractor beam projectors (10)

  • TIE Avenger squadron (1, reinforced)
  • Lambda-class shuttles (4)
  • Landing barges (6)
  • AT-AT walkers (10)
  • AT-ST walkers (15)

  • Crew (6,107)
    • General Crew (5,881)
    • Gunners (226)
Minimum crew 2,100
Passengers Up to 1,600 troops
Cargo capacity 8,100 metric tons
Consumables 4 years

  • Battleship (scaled down)
  • Destroyer
  • Heavy frigate
Affiliation New Republic
Known commander(s) Fleet Admiral Dave Trebonious-Astoris

The Peril is a Rendili StarDrive Victory II-class Star Destroyer that currently serves as the flagship of the Greeop Defense Force.


The Peril was constructed after the Clone Wars had ended, entering the service of the Empire in 18 BBY. In 8 BBY it was transferred to the fleet of Grand Admiral Thrawn, where it soon came to be captained by then Imperial Captain Dave Trebonious-Astoris. When Dave defected to the Rebel Alliance in 2 ABY, he brought the ship with him. For several years it was bounced around in various fleets of the fledgling New Republic. When Dave took command of Redemption Fleet in 5 ABY, he requisitioned, received, and retrofitted the Peril for service as his flagship. It served in numerous battles under Dave and his successors. In one well-documented campaign, the vessel under the command of Dave arrived at the rendezvous point for Redemption Fleet and Retribution Wing forces far in the Outer Rim before heading out into the Unknown Regions to investigate reports of missing warships. It came under attack by Imperial forces led by the Modified Frigate Pronota. It supported the Star Destroyer Prometheus in holding Imperial forces at bay until Sentinel task force, led by the Star Destroyer Liberator, arrived to help repulse the Imperials (R2F800). The Peril was retired from duty in Redemption Fleet during the command of Leonard Cable in late 7 ABY.

At this time the Peril was transferred again, so that its original owner, Dave, could claim command of it. He at present commands the ship as his own personal vessel. It is unclear what arrangements Dave has made with the New Republic, but he treats the vessel as his own personal property and its crew as his own personal retainers, often rewarding them for service with bonuses out of his own pocket. Dave commands the Peril as his personal ship, and it is always at his beck and call. Recently, the Peril was away from the Greeop system during the Battle of Blerthmore, but it returned afterward, although too late to participate in the fighting. With the departure of the Subterrel Strike Force to the Subterrel Sector, the Peril became the flagship of the newly christened Greeop Defense Force.


The Peril in low orbit over the planet Tarsonis.

In order to ensure its competitiveness in the evolving world of post-Endor space combat, the Peril has received some modifications. The most important was the installation of a secondary shield generator in the vessel's fighter bay. The new generator provides an entirely separate shield grid beneath the main grid for extra protection, although the secondary generator is only about half as powerful as the main. The consequence of this installation is that the Peril carries a smaller fighter and shuttle complement than most Victory II's.

The Peril maintains a complement of one reinforced squadron of Tie Avengers. Axe Squadron is responsible for providing a fighter screen for the destroyer. Twelve fighters (three flights) maintain patrols on a regular basis, and the additional four fighters make up the command flight and typically only fly when Dave himself flies his personal T/A.

Behind the scenes

External links