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Note: This is a draft of a future page on the main website and should not be treated as official in any way.

The grizzled, bulky man appraises you closely. "Interested in enlisting, you said?" He nods and reaches into his pack, adorned with a logo reading "REBEL SQUADRONS", for a small no-frills datapad. "Alrighty. Fill this 'ere li'l form out, 'nd the right people will get back to you quick-like. You'll hear from them at the address you put in there, so I'd make sure it was right if I's you."

Character name

(new) "Need your name, so we know what t'call you, and don't try t'tell me you're somebody famous. Just the other week we had someone try to tell us he was named after Wedge Antilles. Hah. Made 'im take another name 'fore he could enlist."
(old) Choose the character that you will be known as in the Rebel Squadrons. Be original! We prefer that you not sign up as "Luke Skywalker", "Wedge Antilles", or other pre-defined characters from the Star Wars series.

E-mail address

(new) "Yeah, they'll send you an ID code and a temporary code to get on the network. Don't worry, they don't publish your private address or nothin'."
(old) We will send your new username and password to this e-mail address, so please make sure that it is correct.
The Rebel Squadrons will not distribute or publish your email address to anyone, with the exception of other club members. See our privacy policy for more information.

Activities (checkboxes)

(new) "They're gonna want to know what you're trained in, and what kinds of things you're lookin' to do once you're enlisted. Don't worry - you can change all o'that later."
(old) Choose the game(s) that you would like to play with us at this time. If you own a game but don't want to play it in the Rebel Squadrons right now, leave its box blank.
  • Skills
(new) List any skills here (e.g. HTML, graphics creation, mission design) that you have.
"Beats me, I don't know what 'HTML' means. Just put down anythin' you think they might find useful."
(old) List any skills (e.g. HTML, graphics, mission design, leadership) that may be useful here.
  • Discovery
(new) Where or from whom did you hear about the Rebel Squadrons?
"The last guy was tellin' me about this new thing he was usin' called 'Google' or somethin' - apparently we're listed in their database. M'self, heard about this group through meetin' one of its officers, a few years back."
(old) Where or from whom did you hear about the Rebel Squadrons?

  1. Projects/NewMembersJoin (the join form)
  2. Projects/NewMembersJoinSent (join form sent in - clicked "submit" on form)
  3. Projects/NewMembersWelcomeLetter (the welcome letter, via e-mail)
  4. Projects/NewMembersWelcome (the "welcome" site for n00bs)
  5. Projects/NewMembersSomething (TBA)