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CR90 Corellian corvette.jpg
Production information
Class CR90 Corellian Corvette
Technical specifications
Length 150 meters
Width 48.6 meters
Height/depth 23.6 meters
Maximum acceleration 2100 g
Maximum speed (space) 60 mglt
Maximum speed (atmosphere) 950 km/h
Earliest sighting PBF 510
Latest sighting PBF 510
Present for battles/events PBF 510
Affiliation Unknown

Neutral vessel.


Arrived in the middle of a combat zone near two rock planets in the Yuen Lon system, where Imperial and pirate forces led by the Frigate Krechet were assaulting Republic Shield forces led by the Calamari Cruiser Valour. Moved to escape from the area, but Imperial forces moved to intercept. Only through the defensive efforts of Republic Shield forces was the vessel able to safely escape from the system. (PBF510)


Behind the Scenes

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