Ric Korbain

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Ric Korbain was born on the world of Corellia near the capitol city of Coronet City. His parents were moderately successful traders and shippers who transferred goods to the other four populated planets in the system. They were not rich yet they always had food on the table as well as other things.

When Ric was in his late teens, a rival trader was arrested by the Imperial controlled CORSEC and detained. It was during the interview process that he named Rics parents as partners in his smuggling operation. They were innocent but that never mattered to the Imperials and they arrested them and subsequently executed them for treason. Ric took the old YT-1300 he had been working on since he was eight years old and fled.

Ric bounced around the outer rim for awhile, doing odd jobs trying to keep his ship fueled and operational when he came into contact with a small group of Rebels. This small outfit called itself the Krayts Fury and they were not directly aligned with the Alliance High Command. That didn't matter to Ric as they paid well and always up front and in cash. He worked with this small group for the next two years and with all the time he spent with them began to agree with their views. The Krayts began to use more and more extreme methods in their battle and Ric felt that part of his humanity was slipping away. He decided to break with the Krayts and seek out more moderate Rebel forces.

Jaxon Mindel, the leader of the Krayts, saw this as a betrayal and vowed to hunt down and punish Ric for what he perceived as desertion. Unknown to the rest of the force, Jaxon had been infected with radiation poisoning that had affected his mind and made him paranoid. They had followed him for so many years that it was unthinkable not to obey and did not question his orders, feeling that they had to make some sense. Jaxon caught up to Ric in the Tingal Trade arm. They fought ship to ship and then hand to hand when Jaxon boarded the YT-1300. Ric had been waiting for him and caught Jaxon unawares with a stun field. Ric locked the man into airlock and was going to take him to the nearest medical station for treatment when Jaxon opened the outer lock and was killed.

Word got back to the rest of the Krayts and they believed that Ric had murdered their leader. Ric sent a communication to them telling them the truth but they vowed revenge.

Ric was now on the run from not only the Imperials but also from the small splinter group of Rebels. He tried many times to give them the entire story but they would not listen and hunted him to the ends of the galaxy. Finally after contacting the Alliance High Command, Ric was able to hide among the main force operating in the Ord Mantell system.

Ric has been reassigned to the Rebel Squadrons and begins the next phase of his journey, trying to stay one step ahead of the surviving Krayts...
