All the previous discussions can be found here.
Recent topics of discussion:
Fleets medals should be standardized and consolidated into fleet medals where possible.Adam Mieter 11:56, 29 July 2012Commendation medals are too specific.- They seem to be general enough. Adam Mieter 11:56, 29 July 2012Violet Cluster should not be retired because it is a "fun" medal.Alvace Star and Burdine Cluster should be replaced with names more relevant to the RS.- I think they have nice names and I've heard no complaints so far. Adam Mieter 11:57, 29 July 2012- MP Combat medals guidelines - should they be a daily averages or weekly total? should this include internal or just be for external competitions? should MP medals be recommended by the OO or MO?
Just a suggestion to relabel "New Proposal" as something that suggests this has been implemented. Fcsuper 20:51, 12 June 2007 (EDT) Adam Mieter 11:56, 29 July 2012
There's still a lot of discussionary entries in this article
There's still a lot of discussionary entries in this article. Please review the article and remove those sections. For example, there is discussion able what should be changed in the bylaws. This should be implemented or not, but either way, it should be rv from the article itself. --Fcsuper 10:44, 6 July 2008 (EDT) Adam Mieter 11:56, 29 July 2012
color code no longer needed
The names of the medals in color are no longer needed. I'll standardize it when I have the time, but anyone else can help too. Super 01:47, 28 March 2009 (EDT) Adam Mieter 11:59, 29 July 2012