Talon II

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CR90 Corellian corvette.jpg
Talon II
Production information
Class CR90 Corellian Corvette
Technical specifications
Length 150 meters
Width 48.6 meters
Height/depth 32.6 meters
Maximum acceleration 2,100 G
Maximum speed (space) 60 mglt
Maximum speed (atmosphere) 950 km/h
Engine unit(s) Girodyne Ter58 high-output ion turbine engines (11, in trireme configuration)
Hyperdrive rating Class 2
Hyperdrive system CEC subspace hyperdrive
Power plant Mason-Branger 7085 ionization reactor and regulator
Shielding Phoah-Kingsmeyer 484-J4e (400 SBD)
Hull Ferro-magnesium ceramic (192 RU)
Sensor systems Pax Hustana variable array sensor units (2)
Navigation system Corellian Chain Management NavCom Unit (26640 limited non-AI processing)
  • Taim & Bak H9 dual turbolasers (2 turrets: 1 dorsal, 1 ventral)
  • Taim & Bak H9 single turbolasers on escape pods (4 dorsal turrets: 2 port, 2 starboard)
  • Complement
  • Faberstien-Lago 37s emergency escape pods (8, ventral)
  • Armed Faberstien Maximum Capacity Life ships (4, dorsal)
  • Crew 30-165, depending on configuration
    Passengers Up to 600, depending on configuration
    Cargo capacity Up to 3,000 metric tons, depending on configuration
    Consumables 1 year
  • Corvette
  • Light Escort
  • Transport
  • Earliest sighting RgF 306
    Destroyed RgF 306
    Present for battles/events RgF 306
    Affiliation Galactic Empire

    Imperial vessel, disguised as part of a pirate force. Part of the Star Destroyer Deathbringer’s task force.


    Directly engaged the Calamari Cruiser Ad Astra, which had been pulled out of hyperspace prematurely a fair distance from the supply platform Terminus by the Interdictor Event Horizon. The Event Horizon led Imperial forces from a distance in an attack on the Ad Astra while the vessel continued to engage the Calamari Cruiser directly. The Terminus station’s defences launched, but they were insufficient to repel the Imperial forces, and were too far away to reach the Ad Astra in time to be of much assistance. The Ad Astra and the vessel traded blows, seriously diminishing the Calamari Cruiser’s shield strength at the expense of the vessel’s entire shield systems. Republic Shield reinforcements arrived to defend the Ad Astra, engaging the Interdictor Event Horizon’s attack forces, while the Ad Astra concentrated firepower on the vessel, damaging it beyond repair. Destroyed by Republic Shield forces (RgF306)


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