Xwing vs. Tie Fighter Multiplayer Information

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A guide to multiplayer information for X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter.

Join a game

Before you can join a game, you must first go to the XvT Config Page from the XvT Main Menu.

From here it is possible to select 4 (four) methods of connecting to a game:

  • IPX - allows you to connect to a host over a lan network
  • TCP/IP - allows you to connect to a host buy supplying it's IP address
  • Direct Modem - allows you to connect directly via modem to another modem (now outmoded with the advent of broadband)
  • Direct Serial - ?

The method still used is the TCP/IP option, so enter the IP of your host's computer into the field provided and click the done button at the bottom of the screen.

Now click the Connect button on the XvT Main Menu. You will be taken to a connection screen which will remain there until you connect to a game, or fail to do so, in which case it will revert back to the XvT Main Menu.

Host a game

To host a game, simply click "Host Game" on the main menu.

A dialogue box will appear, offering a default game name; whether you leave this alone or alter it, press the "Host Game" button below the dialogue box once you are ready to begin hosting.

Multiplayer Modes

Training Exercises

Multiplayer training exercises include all the training exercises found in the single player part of the game that allows two or more players to fly together. The missions run exactly the same as they would in single player mode (same objectives etc.), with the exception you'll have someone accompanying you through it on your team.


Free For Alls

Basic Furball

Description text:

    Destroy as many rival pilots as you can as quickly as possible. Special bonus for destroying the nav buoy.
    Who is the greatest dogfighter? There can only be one!
Players: Xwing (8)
Default Time Limit: 10 minutes

In this mode up to 8 (eight) players can fly against one another in a death match. Any of the game's playable ships are available, as well as any missiles and counter measures.

Standard practice in competion, friendly or otherwise

  • All pilots have the same craft and loadout as their opponent(s);
  • Killing the nav buoy is construde as cheating due to the extra points you receive;
  • Unless previously agreed to by all parties involved, hyperspacing out of combat (which brings you directly back in a new ship at no cost to the player) is forbidden.

Furball with Wingman

Description text:

    Destroy as many rival pilots as you can as quickly as possible. Each pilot leads a three ship flight group
    (FG). Order your wingmen to attack specific targets or protect your back, they'll do whatever you tell them!
    Special bonus for attacing the nav buoy.
Players: Tie Fighter (8 FGs)
Default Time Limit: 10 minutes

Furball in an Asteroid Cluster

Description text:

    Destroy as many rival pilots as you can as quickly as possible. Only this time you'll be fighting in the middle
    of an asteroid cluster, so watch where you're going! Special bonus for attacking the nav buoy.
Players: Awing (8)
Default Time Limit: 10 minutes

Furball with Two-Man Teams

Description text:

    Four two man teams will compete to destroy the greatest number of their rivals in the time allotted. The best
    teamwork will win!
Players: TIE Advanced (8)
Default Time Limit: 10 minutes
Note: "Randomize on" my substitute a Factory, Platform or Asteroid Hangar for the Nav Buoy in the center.

Furball in an Asteroid Cluster for Two-Man Teams

Description text:

    Four two man teams will compete to destroy the greatest number of their rivals in the time allotted. The 
    dogfight will be in the middle of an asteroid cluster, so watch where you're going!
Players: TIE Interceptor (8)
Default Time Limit: 10 minutes

Shooting Gallery

Pirate Targets


Turkey Shoot for Two-Man Teams

Special Skills

Destroy Rivals' Supply Cache for Two-Man Teams

Escort Duty for Two-Man Teams



The internet is full of short hand terms, for example lol = laugh out loud; there are numerous examples of these related to games, but the ones most common to X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter are as follows:

  • gl = Good luck
  • hf = Have fun
  • gl hf = Good Luck and Have Fun
  • mtfbwy = May The Force Be With You
  • gf = good fight
  • ss = screenshot

Technical information

  • Port 47624 is opened when you open XvT.
  • Port 2300 is opened when you host a game.
  • To check whether you are configured properly for hosting, please use http://www.canyouseeme.org/ and try ports 2300 and 47624 after setting up a game for hosting. You will need to alt+tab (or in some instances, ctrl+alt+del) out of the game to check this.

More information

Please see the following links for help setting up forwarding: